Some might say that Elon’s purchase of Twitter was a miracle; somehow, despite having all the odds stacked against him and against free speech on the internet given the power and inclinations of the ruling regime, he was able to pull a rabbit out of his hat and make it happen, which seems almost too good to be true.
Still, however, Elon wouldn’t call it a miracle because he says he’s not a miracle worker, something that came up when he found a seemingly photoshopped tweet of him saying he’d buy and fix all of the McDonald’s ice cream machines. He posted that with the caption “Listen, I can’t do miracles ok.”
Listen, I can’t do miracles ok pic.twitter.com/z7dvLMUXy8
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) April 28, 2022
Funny stuff! Elon still knows how to troll, even if he now has yet another complex and contentious business to add to the list and start dealing with.
Problem is, though his lack of miracle powers isn’t all that problematic if it just means he won’t fix McDonald’s ice cream machines, machines that are notoriously broken, he’ll need to be a miracle worker to turn Twitter around and make it a free speech platform.
As reported this morning, Twitter is currently on internal lockdown with management having to watch to make sure that woke employees don’t “go rogue” and tear down the social media giant by destroying it through software updates before Elon gets his hands on it.
If that’s what Elon’s dealing with, and it sure appears to be so, then he’s going to have quite a bit of trouble turning things around and making Twitter a free speech platform.
So, though the “I can’t do miracles” tweet was obviously just a joke about how terrible McDonald’s is about keeping its ice cream machines in working order, it does get to a real problem for Elon’s plan to turn Twitter around: he’s only human.
That means he’ll have to rely on vision, willpower, and sheer strength to effect his will on the company and turn it around; he can’t just snap his fingers and make it happen, even if firing a good number of the woke employees would help.
Fortunately, however, it’s Elon we’re talking about. Though he can’t do miracles, he does seem to come close to doing so; this is the guy that had the vision for reusable rockets that can fall from outer space and then land on a launch pad and made it happen, who created a new auto company that’s now one of the most well-liked and highly valued companies in America, and who changed online payments with PayPal. Elon’s a genius and obviously has the willpower to make things happen.
Now he’ll need all that strength of will to effect change at Twitter and defeat the blue hairs behind the leftist blue bird. That’ll be difficult and seem like a miracle if he wins, but if anyone can do it then Elon certainly can.
By: Gen Z Conservative, editor of GenZConservative.com. Follow me on Parler and Gettr.
This story syndicated with permission from Will, Author at Trending Politics