House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy has been caught acting like quite the RINO recently. There first was the leaked audio of him discussing getting Trump to step down with Liz Cheney, then came the next batch of leaked audio on which he could be heard calling for the more conservative members of the party to be censored on social media.
Well, that leaked audio has finally ripped the veneer off McCarthy’s image and exposed him as the craven RINO that he really is, with conservatives ripping him in response, much as happened to McConnell when he backed down on the budget issue.
So, given the ammunition he needed to go after the RINO House Minority Leader, Tucker Carlson went on an absolute tear and ripped into him, as you can watch here:
As you can hear, Tucker begins by emphasizing just what it was that McCarthy was pushing for in the leaked audio: the censorship of fellow Republicans by Big Tech. He was siding with the left instead of with fellow conservatives! In Tucker’s words, speaking about both McCarthy and the leftist freakout in response to Musk’s Twitter purchase:
“What is it about cable television that completely eliminates people’s self-awareness? Maybe NIH should do a study on that. It seems like a legitimate health crisis.
“We’re being slightly unfair in that analysis. We do not mean certainly to suggest that it’s only Democrats who favors censorship for political ends. Republican leaders support it, too.
“In a phone call reported today by The New York Times, for example, Congressman Kevin McCarthy of California told his close friend, Liz Cheney, that he hoped the social media companies would censor more conservative Republicans in Congress.”
Continuing, Carlson more fully explained what it was that McCarthy wanted, reminding people of the context so that they could grasp just how insane McCarthy’s statement was, lampooning McCarthy as being just as far to the left as any MSNBC contributor, and highlighting the stakes of conservatives not dealing properly with McCarthy. In Carlson’s words:
“Donald Trump, the sitting President who had already been silenced by those companies, but McCarthy wanted the tech oligarchs to do more, to force disobedient lawmakers off the internet, quote: ‘Can’t they take their Twitter accounts away, too?’
“Those are the taped recorded words of Congressman Kevin McCarthy, a man who in private turns out sounds like an MSNBC contributor, and yet, unless conservatives get their act together right away, Kevin McCarthy, or one of his highly liberal allies like Elise Stefanik, is very likely to be Speaker of the House in January.”
Indeed. McCarthy has apparently gone woke and is siding with the left over conservatives, yet we could end up with him as Speaker of the House. That would make the red wave in November meaningless, as wed just be exchanging one Trump-hating leftist for another.
Tucker then used the incident to explain why the ruling class needs and wants censorship, saying:
“That would mean we will have a Republican Congress led by a puppet of the Democratic Party. So you wouldn’t know any of this unless it was leaked, and you can start to see why the people in charge oppose transparency and fervently support censorship on both sides. Why? Because the more you know about them, the less satisfied you’re likely to become with their leadership.”
Carlson is right. The right needs to rid itself of Kevin McCarthy and those like him, particularly when it comes to leadership positions.
By: Gen Z Conservative, editor of GenZConservative.com. Follow me on Parler and Gettr.
This story syndicated with permission from Will, Author at Trending Politics