In Joe Biden’s America, thugs are treated with “compassion” and “understanding” (read: kid gloves) rather than with an iron fist that ensures they won’t even have the opportunity to prey upon the populace of law-abiding citizens ever again.
As a result, known criminals are left to commit horrible depredations upon the citizenry, particularly when it comes to blue states, where the soft-on-crime problem and large urban population problem go hand in hand to create a living hell for people put off by crime.
One such state is New Jersey, which unfortunately both is run by Democrats and is close to New York City. There the crime problem is bad, as was seen in a recent, horrific case of two young thugs slaying a grandmother as she sat on her porch, celebrating her birthday.
According to the Essex County Prosecutor’s Office, the two thugs, 21-year-old Jonathan Ritchie and 19-year-old Josiah Ritchie, who are brothers, gunned down 63-year-old Debra Derrick as she sat on her porch celebrating her 63rd birthday. Though not the intended target, she was shot to death by the deadly duo.
Essex News Daily, giving more details on the horrific slaying, reports that:
On March 11, 2021, the victim, who previously worked as certified nursing assistant at Newark Beth Israel Medical Center, was at her home in the 200 block of Lehigh Avenue releasing balloons to celebrate her birthday and the birthday of her late twin sister when she was shot.
The two thugs have since been arrested and are being held in the Essex County Correctional Facility in Newark while they are charged with murder, conspiracy to commit murder, unlawful possession of a weapon, and possession of weapon for an unlawful purpose.
Yet worse, the two were immigrants from Guyana. As the New York Post reports:
The two brothers, who lived with their mother and stepfather, are originally from Guyana and had previously lived in Atlanta, prosecutors said.
So we let them into the country only for them to start murdering Americans.
Despite all the evil present in the story, there is one bright spot of hope embedded within it: Derrick died shielding those around her from the gunfire, setting an example for how an honorable human should behave even when unexpectedly attacked, as NJ.com reports, saying:
In an interview last year, Derrick’s sister Ramona Derrick said her sibling was killed as she rushed to shield her grandchildren from gunfire.
“She was caught in the crossfire. She was making sure that everybody was safe. She was pushing the two granddaughters in the door,” Ramona Derrick told NJ Advance Media.
“She was a very pleasant person,” Ramona Derrick said. “She always welcomed people to a meal. Always had an open heart.”
She didn’t have to shield others and die a guardian angel, particularly given the surprising circumstances of the attack. But, having a good heart, she did so and thus became a bright spot of light in an increasingly dark world
By: Gen Z Conservative, editor of GenZConservative.com. Follow me on Parler and Gettr.
This story syndicated with permission from Will, Author at Trending Politics