What type of person is former Attorney General Bill Barr? The type of person who would apparently stab anyone from his past in the back to sell a few more copies of his uninteresting book and make a few more dollars.
He proved that yet again on Thursday, when he appeared on Newsmax TV’s “Spicer & Co.” to discuss his new book One Damn Thing After Another: Memoirs of an Attorney General and viciously and unfairly attack former President Donald Trump.
Particularly, Barr was firmly opposed to the idea of Trump running again in 2024, saying:
“Maybe your audience doesn’t want to hear this, but Trump ran weaker than the Republican ticket in Arizona, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania — 75,000 Republicans went to the polls and voted straight Republican ticket in Arizona and didn’t vote for him, 60,000 in Wisconsin, 60,000 and Pennsylvania. That’s why he lost the election.”
Sure he did, Bill. Good thing you refused to take the many claims of voter fraud seriously and thus it’s harder to disprove your assertions!
In any case, the host, Sean Spicer responded to Barr’s rant about Trump by saying: “You say that you voted for Trump and obviously ’16 and ’20. would you vote for him again in ’24?”
Barr responded by strenuously arguing that Trump would be the wrong person for the job, saying:
“I’ve said I don’t think he should be our nominee, the Republican Party nominee. I think Republicans have a big opportunity. I think it would be a big mistake to put him forward. But if he was the nominee, then I would vote for him over the Democrat.”
It’s all well and fine, if wrong, had Barr brought up someone else that he thinks would be a better candidate. But that wasn’t offered.
Rather, he just attacked Trump to get headlines and hawk his book, blaming the guy who beat Hillary Clinton and then got the second most votes in American history for a loss that many contend was the result of Democrat malfeasance.
Meanwhile, the GOP base is still overwhelmingly on Trump’s side, with Morning Consult recently reporting, for example, that the GOP is firmly on Trump’s side, saying:
Roughly 4 in 5 Republican voters in the early primary states of Georgia, North Carolina, Ohio and Pennsylvania hold favorable opinions about the former president, according to Morning Consult surveys conducted in March.
[…]Across each of the four early primary states, the former president is more popular than other prominent GOP figures, including: Vice President Mike Pence, who’s seen positive sentiment decline across the map since January 2021; Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), who is most polarizing among the GOP electorate; and House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.), who is still largely unknown to the rank and file.
The simple fact is that former president Donald Trump is popular in a way that neither Bill Barr nor any other Republican, particularly the RINOs like McConnell or McCarthy. No one can even come close to Trump’s influence or popularity because he’s our guy, unlike Barr and his crowd.
By: Gen Z Conservative, editor of GenZConservative.com. Follow me on Parler and Gettr.
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