Rep. Jim Jordan of Ohio sounded off on the new Biden “Disinformation Governance Board” during a recent appearance on Fox Business Network’s “Mornings with Maria”.
Speaking about the Orwellian Disinformation Board and how the GOP can fight back against it, particularly after retaking power in November of 2022, suggesting that the GOP should use its power over the purse at that time to stop any funding for the board. In his words:
“You write into the appropriations bill, no money in the appropriations for the Department of Homeland Security can be used for the Disinformation Governance Board which is going to limit the speech of the American people.
“That’s how. You write that into — as a rider on the appropriations bill, and you tell Chuck Schumer and you tell the White House, if the Republicans are in control of the House or in control of the full Congress, we’re not going to pass the appropriations bill unless that language is there. Because we’re going to protect the First Amendment.
“That’s the only — that’s the leverage we have, and we’re going to have to be willing to use that, if, in fact, the American people put us back in control. Which, I think, frankly they’re getting ready to do.”
And Jim Jordan wasn’t the only Republican politician to react negatively to the announcement of the “Disinformation Governance Board”.
Rep. Tom McClintock of California did so as well, appearing on a different Fox show, “America’s Newsroom”, to mercilessly slam the organization and its Orwellian-sounding mission, saying:
“It’s a Ministry of Truth. It is a hallmark of any dictatorship, and it’s antithetical to American principles of freedom of speech. Our entire democracy is based on the free exchange of ideas.
“In a free society like ours, you’re allowed to express your opinion, whatever it is. It can be hateful, stupid, inaccurate, safe in the knowledge that as long as there’s a free exchange of ideas, better ideas, sounder opinions, kinder sentiments, more accurate data will always prevail.
“But when you have a government institution telling you what you can and cannot say, you no longer have a functioning democracy, and that’s where the left is taking us. That’s where the left always takes a society. Because they can’t win a debate in an open forum so they have to suppress the opposition. And you tell me one place where the left has seized control where, ultimately, they haven’t tried to do that.”
Jordan is right and McClintock’s ripping of the board shows why: the GOP cannot and should not be in any way responsible for funding an American Stasi.
If the Democrats want to spend their political capital trying to create such an organization then they can try, but the GOP must not do anything that would lend its support to such a project.
Refusing to fund it, as Jordan suggests, would certainly be the best way to push back, at least until a Republican president is back in 1600 Penn.
By: Gen Z Conservative, editor of GenZConservative.com. Follow me on Parler and Gettr.
This story syndicated with permission from Will, Author at Trending Politics