President Brandon is incredibly unpopular with a huge chunk of the American electorate, so what’s Team Biden doing now? Creating a Ministry of Truth that calls itself the “Disinformation Governance Board”, a name which somehow sounds even worse than “Ministry of Truth.”
Biden must have seen the 1984 references swirling about his administration, thought, in his senile stupor, that they were a positive thing, and told the White House staff to dial up the whole Oceania lookalike part of the ruling regime to 11.
Predictably, that aspect of the regime has faced swift and severe condemnation, with Americans tearing into Biden for taking a page out of the authoritarian handbook as part of a seeming bid to stop Elon from winning the war against Twitter censorship.
One such American who’s unwilling to sit quietly and watch Team Biden wage its war on free speech under the guise of fighting “misinformation” and “disinformation” is Senator Ron Johnson.
He appeared on Fox News Channel’s “Sunday Morning Futures” to tear into the board and its intentions, intentions which he described as being “Orwellian.” Speaking on that, Senator Johnson said:
“[T]he First Amendment to our Constitution states that Congress shall pass no law abridging the freedom of speech. So, we have passed no such law. The president’s job is to faithfully execute the law. So he has no authority to do this. This is Orwellian. This is a Ministry of Truth.”
That was just the beginning of Senator Johnson’s attack on Team Biden’s Ministry of Truth. He then went after Nina Jankowicz, the wacky, “full LibsofTikTok” woman that was chosen to run the board, saying:
“And the person they have appointed is a Democrat propagandist. She pushed the Russian collusion with the Trump campaign hoax. She pushed the hoax that the laptop was some form of Russian information campaign.”
Continuing and making the note that, in pushing those lies about the Trump campaign and the Hunter Biden laptop, she was effectively spreading “disinformation” herself.
In fact, according to Senator Johnson, the lies she spread were far more harmful than any “misinformation” pushed by the right, particularly in how the Russia lies affected the American political scene. Speaking on that, he said:
“Those are probably two of the most egregious, and I would say effective, piece[s] of disinformation. They had more impact on our body politic, on our elections than anything else I could think of, and certainly had a greater impact than anything Russia ever could have dreamed of.
“And she was leading the charge on that disinformation. You can’t make this up. This is the exact person that this administration now has appointed to have this unconstitutional Disinformation Governance Board. This is outlandish. It should not be funded. It should never be established.”
In saying that it shouldn’t be funded, Senator Johnson might have been alluding to a point made by Rep. Jim Jordan, who suggested that the GOP should block funding of any bill that includes funding for the authoritarian board.
Regardless of whether he was echoing Jim Jordan or not, it was a fair point: the GOP shouldn’t be funding the destruction of free speech, particularly after it hold the legislative power following a red wave. If conservatives don’t do that and “conserve” the right to free speech, what good are they?
By: Gen Z Conservative, editor of GenZConservative.com. Follow me on Parler and Gettr.
This story syndicated with permission from Will, Author at Trending Politics