Stacey Abrams, perhaps inadvertently, said the quiet part out loud about Joe Biden when she appeared on MSNBC’s “Deadline” on Friday and spoke to host Nicolle Wallace about the president and his popularity.
What happened was that Wallace, obviously trying to boost Abrams in the runup to the Georgia gubernatorial race, one expected to be bitterly fought given Georgia’s surprising current status as a purple state, asked Abrams about Biden and how he relates to the race in Georgia, saying:
“You’re close to president Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris. They won the state of Georgia. What are the piece that are most popular there, what sorts of things, where is his message most resonant, around infrastructure, or what issues are resonating the most with Georgians.”
Abrams, in her response, attempted to bash the GOP and the longtime Republican leadership of Georgia, but, in her rambling rant, ended up accidentally saying what no one on the left wants to say about Biden: that he’s just not that popular.
She began by attacking Georgia’s Republican leadership, saying:
“For twenty years, Georgians have been beating our heads against the wall, demanding of our leadership, Republican leadership, to do something about broadband. 40% of Georgians don’t have access to reliable broadband, or they can’t afford it.”
Why she’d choose to focus on “broadband access” at a time when inflation is sky high and crime is ravaging Atlanta is unclear, but that’s the issue she stuck to, continuing with it and trying to bring up Biden’s once somewhat accomplishment, the infrastructure bill, saying:
Because of the infrastructure bill, because of President Biden but also because of Senators Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff and millions of dollars are pouring into the state of Georgia to make advances of broadband.
Perhaps she has some insider information showing that broadband access is a key issue with Georgia voters. More likely, she recognizes that the infrastructure package is the only thing Joe has done that hasn’t been a complete disaster, and so wanted to bring it up, with “broadband” being a buzzword from it she remembered.
Regardless of the broadband fascination, she then tried to boost Georgia’s two lackluster Democrat senators, Ossoff and Warnock, while also trotting out her own tired claims of voter suppression, saying:
We need resources, and because we have two senators, especially Senator Raphael Warnock, who is up for reelection, we know we have a partner working with our president to bring resources to the state of Georgia. We know the conversations that were had around voting rights. Even though it did not yield the legislative changes we wanted, it lifted up an issue that for too long has been silenced.
Then she finally got to the embarrassing part, which was when she admitted that Biden isn’t doing all that well in the polls, saying:
We know that President Biden is a popular figure, not by number but by intention, by what he does for Georgia, the monies being poured in are being used.”
Perhaps that’s why she didn’t show up when he gave a speech on voter rights in Georgia, one that didn’t go too well thanks to his ridiculous claims of Republican racism.
Biden and his ratings are a disaster, and even someone so vapid and ridiculous as Abrams can see it. The only problem is that she said it out loud.
By: Gen Z Conservative, editor of GenZConservative.com. Follow me on Parler and Gettr.
This story syndicated with permission from Will, Author at Trending Politics