During my four years in the United States Marine Corps, the chaplains were an integral part of our unit for spiritual guidance and counseling for those who asked for their involvement in their lives.
Even on our “dog tags”, which would be used by those who would find us, in the event we became incapacitated in the field, our religion was included.
Starting with President Bill Clinton though, the tolerance of homosexuality in the military and a newly enforced separation of duty & religion started to take root. Religion was no longer a desirable attribute, but instead, a traditional value structure not compatible with the increasingly “woke” U.S. military.
According to Miltary Times, roughly 3,400 troops have been discharged for refusal to take the COVID vaccinations
In a podcast hosted by Rep. Matt Gaetz, R-Florida, that aired Thursday, three active duty service members joined the popular House Member. They accused the Defense Department of using the COVID-19 vaccine mandate to “intentionally purge” religious service members.
All three troops are currently subject to involuntary separation because of their refusal to get the vaccine, but their discharges are on hold as their religious exemptions are adjudicated and their lawsuit plays out.
Air Force Capt. Jordan Karr, Army Maj. Samuel Sigoloff and Air Force Master Sgt. Nickolas Kupper have argued against the military’s mandates for varying reasons. They include religious freedom, controversy over the emergency authorization vs. Food and Drug Administration-approved version of the Pfizer vaccine, and “natural immunity” to the novel coronavirus.
All believe that the involuntary separation policy for vaccine refusal is part of a concerted effort to remove certain members of the military.
“If you are a believer and you are listening to this podcast, you need to understand that God-fearing service members are being intentionally purged from the services,” Karr said.
All three service members are party to one of several lawsuits troops have filed against the Defense Department and the services, alleging mostly that the religious exemption process is unconstitutional.
“It’s a purposeful purge,” Sigoloff added. “Anyone who would disobey an unlawful order is being purged out of the military, and there is a shadow policy in place that is protecting all of these people enforcing this shadow policy.”
Sigoloff, who is a family medicine osteopath, contends that the vaccine mandate is unlawful because military healthcare providers are administering the Pfizer vaccine authorized for emergency use, rather than the brand-named Comirnaty product that has full FDA licensure.
This has been a sticking point for many opposed to COVID-19 vaccine mandates, but the FDA has said that the two products are the same.
“The FDA-approved Comirnaty (COVID-19 Vaccine, mRNA) and the FDA-emergency use authorized Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine for individuals 12 years of age and older, when prepared according to their respective instructions for use, can be used interchangeably to provide the COVID-19 vaccination series without presenting any safety or effectiveness concerns,” according to FDA guidance. “Therefore, providers can use doses distributed under EUA to administer the vaccination series as if the doses were the licensed vaccine.”
Well, I don’t think this will play out well for these troops as the military has always been giving wide latitude when requiring vaccinations or other health care for those under contract to serve.
By: Eric Thompson, editor of EricThompsonShow.com. Follow me on Twitter and MagaBook
This story syndicated with permission from Eric Thompson, Author at Trending Politics