In the midst of the debate over social issues, abortion is sure to be near the top of the list every time.
A growing number of Americans no longer identify as Christians and have become more supportive of groups led by Secularists. These are people who reject any religious involvement in the culture and work tirelessly via lawsuits and supporting groups like Planned Parenthood to silence religious objectors.
In addition, the past few generations of Americans have embraced social engineering through the education system with some either replacing their religion with or integrating these pagan ideas into their religious belief systems.
There is a Democrat Senator publically making his profession of Christian faith while at the same time trying to convince others to go against the teachings of the Bible.
Raphael Warnock (D-GA), who claims to be an “ordained minister”, was slammed on social media Monday night after labeling himself as a “pro-choice” pastor.
“As a pro-choice pastor, I’ve always believed that a patient’s room is way too small for a woman, her doctor, and the United States government,” the Georgia Democrat tweeted Monday night following the leak of a Supreme Court document indicating majority support for overturning Roe v. Wade. “I’ll always fight to protect a woman’s right to choose. And that will never change.”
As a pro-choice pastor, I’ve always believed that a patient’s room is way too small for a woman, her doctor, and the United States government.
I’ll always fight to protect a woman’s right to choose. And that will never change.
— Reverend Raphael Warnock (@ReverendWarnock) May 3, 2022
Warnock’s tweet received immediate backlash from conservatives and Christians who contend that abortion is antithetical to the teachings of the Bible.
“It all comes down to what you believe about the organism growing inside the mother,” NFL Hall of Fame coach Tony Dungy tweeted. “Is it a life or not? If it is just growing tissue then your ‘choice’ makes sense. If it’s a life then it’s obviously not OK to choose to end it. What does your Bible tell you it is? Psalm 139:16.”
It all comes down to what you believe about the organism growing inside the mother. Is it a life or not? If it is just growing tissue then your “choice” makes sense. If it’s a life then it’s obviously not OK to choose to end it. What does your Bible tell you it is? Psalm 139:16 https://t.co/E7dCk6NMmL
— Tony Dungy (@TonyDungy) May 3, 2022
Dungy added in a later tweet, “I’m not talking to the Supreme Court, the general public, or anyone who doesn’t believe the Bible. If you don’t believe the Bible I get it. I’m talking to the ‘Christian pastor’ who professes to follow the Bible but thinks we’re free to ‘choose’ when to end another person’s life.”
“You’ve used this line before and it’s disgusting and not funny,” Townhall web editor Rebecca Downs tweeted. “If you’re ‘pro-choice’ and a pastor, then you’re doing one of those things wrong.”
You’ve used this line before and it’s disgusting and not funny. If you’re “pro-choice” and a pastor, then you’re doing one of those things wrong.
— Rebecca Downs (@RebeccaRoseGold) May 3, 2022
“Pro-choice ‘pastor’ is not a thing,” Fox News host Rachel Campos-Duffy tweeted.
Pro-choice “pastor” is not a thing. https://t.co/AyENzr4119
— Rachel Campos-Duffy (@RCamposDuffy) May 3, 2022
Warnock was responding to a leaked majority opinion released by Politico on Monday night where Justice Samuel Alito wrote, “We hold that Roe and Casey must be overruled. It is time to heed the Constitution and return the issue of abortion to the people’s elected representatives.”
So even though the Bible is very clear on the issues dealing with life, millions of Americans still demand a constitutional “right” for women to have doctors extract their babies from their wombs, via various methods, most of which are barbaric.
Not wanting to infringe on the autonomy of the women, some in the church are now suppressing the knowledge of what happens to the baby during an abortion and leaving the entire decision of what happens to the baby up to the mother.
Thus you can end up with a pro-abortion Reverend Raphael Warnock wolf in Godless American pulpits.
By: Eric Thompson, editor of EricThompsonShow.com. Follow me on Twitter and MagaBook
This story syndicated with permission from Eric Thompson, Author at Trending Politics