It wasn’t just abortion threats that Democrat strategist and partisan hack James Carville wanted to talk about when he appeared on CNN recently.
No, in addition to making a not so veiled threat directed at the GOP, saying that Democrats needed to teach Republicans to “fear” them, he also decided to gaslight America, claiming that Americans just don’t know how good they have it when it comes to the Biden economy and that the economy is doing great with Joe at the helm.
That utterly absurd take came when the host brought up how little faith Americans have in the Biden Administration to fix the economic issues ravaging the country and how poorly they think Biden is doing on economic issues, saying:
“So mentioned a new CNN poll that found two-thirds of all Americans now disapprove of how President Biden specifically is handling the economy, two-thirds of all Americans. That’s bad.
“On top of that, more than 50% of Democrats think the economy is in poor shape, up 16 percentage points from December. Eighty-one percent of independents think the economy is in poor shape. These are all bad, no good numbers in this entire thing. How big of a problem is this for the president?”
The two-thirds of the country and eighty-one percent of independents that aren’t all that pleased with the economic shape America is in numbers are bad, but the worst number there is that even half of Democrats think the economy is in bad shape. Even Biden’s party isn’t backing him on the economy!
But Carville didn’t recognize any of that. Instead, he minimized it, saying a brief throwaway line about how bad the public’s perception is and then going on to blast Americans for not understanding how could they have it under Biden and how great the economy is humming along. During that tirade, he said:
“Well, it’s a huge problem. Let me tell you another thing. A plurality of Americans think no jobs have been created under Joe Biden, and I think in his first 16 months it’s the best opening 16 months of any president since World War II in job creation.”
“We have supply chain issues causing a great deal of grief. Shanghai is probably the leading port in the world in terms of supply chain. So they have formidable problems but understand we’ve had real good job creation and we have had a real reduction in child poverty.”
“I don’t think people, I think there is an entire picture of an economy here. I don’t think the people in America are understanding completely where it is. There are bad things, but if we’re making these decisions on the assumption, no jobs created, that’s just not true. Jobs are being created left and right.”
Are jobs being created? Or are jobs that the government cracked down on because of “the science” during Covid finally coming back, with inflation rearing its ugly head as Americans find themselves in dire shape thanks to months upon months of lockdowns and pernicious inflation?
That Carville didn’t bring up. He’d obviously rather just boost Joe and pretend that the economy is mostly doing great thanks to the senile president’s wise leadership.
America might not have gas right now (thanks for that too, Joe), but Carville’s still finding a way to gaslight people!
By: Gen Z Conservative, editor of GenZConservative.com. Follow me on Parler and Gettr.
This story syndicated with permission from Will, Author at Trending Politics