Recently, a leftist group intent on doing anything necessary to stop the court from ruling the way conservatives want on the Dobbs case, as appears happened based on the Alito abortion opinion leak, doxxed the court, releasing a map showing where the justices live.
That was a clear shot across the bow of the justices, essentially a threat that leftist radicals would start showing up at their homes if they didn’t vote the right way.
Shockingly and horrifyingly, the Biden White House refused to condemn the doxxing or leftist plan to show up at the homes of the justices, some of whom have young children, with Psaki saying:
Look, I think the President’s view is that there’s a lot of passion, a lot of fear, a lot of sadness from many, many people across this country about what they saw in that leaked document. We obviously want people’s privacy to be respected. We want people to protest peacefully if they want to — to protest. That is certainly what the President’s view would be.
Well, though Slow Joe and his radical administration won’t step up and call out the attempted intimidation of the Supreme Court, something that seems like a story out of Colombia at the height of its war against the cartels rather than modern America, Governor Youngkin of Virginia is stepping up to save them.
His office, in a statement, said that it would do what was necessary to protect and defend the three justices that live in Virginia, saying, according to a Breitbart exclusive on the subject:
“The governor is aware and Virginia State Police will monitor the situation. VSP will assist federal and local law enforcement as needed to ensure the safety of our citizens, including Supreme Court justices, who call Virginia home.”
Youngkin also attacked the leak itself, saying: “I am in utter disbelief that the sacred confidentiality of the Supreme Court would be violated in this manner. Sadly, this leak was done in order to cause chaos and to put pressure on justices and elected officials”
Governor Youngkin’s decision to defend the justices is a major step toward defending the court’s decision because the three justices that live in Virginia are three of the most conservative members of the court: Alito, Thomas, and Barrett. In defending them, he’s taking a major step to stop the intimidation of the five-justice majority that voted to overturn Roe. Breitbart, reporting on the situation surrounding those justices, also reported that:
Three U.S. Supreme Court Justices—Justices Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito, and Amy Coney Barrett—live in Virginia. A leftist group called “Ruth Sent Us” this week called for protests at the homes of the Justices. On Thursday evening, pro-life protesters thanking Alito appeared outside his home after the leftist group revealed the addresses of the six Justices appointed by GOP presidents online. The Ruth Sent Us organization announced on its website plans for a “walk-by” of the Justices’ homes—the three in Virginia as well as the Maryland homes of Justices Brett Kavanaugh, John Roberts, and Neil Gorsuch—on Wednesday, May 11.
The leak is horrific and the threats are even worse. At least Youngkin has the spine to stand up to the radicals and defend the court.
By: Gen Z Conservative, editor of GenZConservative.com. Follow me on Parler and Gettr.
This story syndicated with permission from Will, Author at Trending Politics