The left is particularly intent on arguing what might be the worst argument one could make about abortion, which is that the famous Roe v. Wade case is settled law. The simple fact is that it isn’t, and wasn’t even before Alito’s opinion leaked.
While the court had ruled a certain way and stuck to that ruling for a certain amount of time, it was just a ruling on a case, a ruling that could always be overturned once the court realized that it was bad law and got up the courage to finally deal with the bad law.
The left, of course, doesn’t recognize that. Ignorant Congresswoman Jayapal, speaking to CNN about the issue, raised some major eyebrows when she made the ridiculous claim that it is, in fact, settled law, saying:
“This is a stunning, stunning rebuke of precedent and of the fundamental freedom that women have to make choices about our own bodies and our own futures and our own economic security.
“And the thing is, Victor, that these justices are acting like this is somehow something that they have the right to change.
“They do not have the right to change this, which has been settled law for two generations now of people who have grown up, who have gone through their twenties in the firm belief that they can make these decisions about their own bodies.”.
Sorry, Rep. Jayapal, but that’s not at all how it works. It was in no way “settled law,” but rather just a ruling that could be overturned at any time.
While members of Congress might not grasp that simple and salient fact, Bill Maher, host of HBO’s “Real Time”, does, and was willing to talk about it on his show.
Hitting back at the settled law claim, Maher made an excellent point about a past case that has been overturned by a more courageous court, saying “Plessy v. Ferguson was settled law in 1896 and thank God somebody said, let’s unsettle it.”
Indeed. That’s how it works and then as now, it’s a good thing.
Continuing, he then attacked the idea that the Alito ruling will be used to attack civil rights, arguing that because “abortion is unique”, the situation is different and that probably won’t happen. In his words:
“This whole bullshit argument about, well, it’s settled law, so was segregation. Plessy v. Ferguson was settled law in 1896 and thank God somebody said, let’s unsettle it.
“So, it’s not — that’s a bullshit argument. It’s what you think, if you like babies, then you’re pro-life, and if you like women, you’re pro-choice. I like women.
“Clarence Thomas is [in] an interracial marriage. Do you think Clarence Thomas — I just — I feel like…abortion is unique. It is. Because people either — you just have this view that it’s murder — I could put the argument on a hat when people talk about a woman’s right, murder isn’t a right. If you think it’s murder — I don’t — again, crazy me.”
Indeed. This was a major victory against abortion, but it’s not like Alito is leading an attack on civil rights, much as woke crazies might claim that he is.
By: Gen Z Conservative, editor of GenZConservative.com. Follow me on Parler and Gettr.
This story syndicated with permission from Will, Author at Trending Politics