Can a black American be a Republican?
A reasonable person would say “yes,” as Americans of any color can be fond of liberty, supportive of limited government, against the murder of the unborn, and in favor of not letting masses of migrants swamp our nation.
According to Sunny Hostin, one of the deranged, cackling hens on ABC’s “The View”, however, it’s impossible. In fact, according to her, the term “black Republican” is an “oxymoron”.
She made that ridiculous claim on Friday, making it during a segment on the new White House press secretary, Karine Jean-Pierre and what some see as an impermissible conflict of interest between her and her partner, CNN reporter Suzanne Malveaux.
That discussion about a relatively tame topic, a conflict of interest, soon escalated into an all-out war of words between the hosts, with Sunny Hostin losing it and saying that she couldn’t understand how blacks or latinos could possibly be Republicans.
That happened when, during the bickering over the conflict of interest, Hostin asked co-host Lindsey Granger “Are you a Republican?”
Granger, hedging by providing that she didn’t agree with everything Trump did and saying that she was “a black woman first,” said that she was a Republican.
It was then that Hostin snarkily fired off an insult at her, saying “I feel like it’s an oxymoron, a Black Republican.”
Granger didn’t back down but instead fired back, saying “Why? Your friend right here is a Republican.”
In that, Granger was referring to Ana Navarro. Navarro claims to be a Republican, but she’s at best a RINO, as she worked for Slow Joe’s 2020 campaign and generally supports Democrats.
There was a bit of bickering between the leftist gens before Hostin angrily said “I don’t understand either of you. I don’t understand Black Republicans and I don’t understand Latino Republicans.”
Obviously wanting the fight and segment to be over with, Navarro chose to end it there, saying “Today this is not about me and it’s not about you. It’s about celebrating Karine Jean-Pierre.”
While Hostin’s racist remark was indicative of her worldview, it was hardly outside the norm for the race-obsessed left.
President Joe Biden, for example, famously said “Well I tell you what, If you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black.”
Biden, however, later apologized for that remark, saying:
“I don’t take it for granted at all and no one should have to vote for any party based on their race, religion or background. There are African Americans who think Trump is worth voting for. I don’t think so and I’m prepared to put my record against his, that was the bottom line and it was really unfortunate, I shouldn’t have been so cavalier.”
Hostin, by contrast, didn’t apologize. She didn’t even back down! That’s the sort of person we’re dealing with, the sort of mindset with which the right must contend as it attempts to win over black voters. Utterly unrepentant racism from the left.
By: Gen Z Conservative, editor of GenZConservative.com. Follow me on Parler and Gettr.
This story syndicated with permission from Gen Z Conservative