What would the abortion debate be without some middle-aged woman losing it at the idea that an unborn child should have the right to not be ripped apart in the womb?
That constant from America’s abortion debate made it to the White House on May 5th, when a brave reporter went out on a limb and asked White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki about the vandalism of churches and if anyone in the Biden Administration was standing up for unborn children. Predictably, she lost it.
That reporter was EWTN reporter Owen Jensen, who has tangled with Psaki before, He, intent on getting an answer, started a verbal brawl with Biden’s far-left press secretary.
It began when Jensen, who asked Psaki his question right after she got the podium back from her upcoming replacement, decided to bring up the abortion debate and said:
Jen, can I ask a question? A Catholic church was just vandalized with pro-abortion slogans in Colorado. It just happened recently. Is the White House aware of that, first of all?
Given that Biden talks interminably about his Catholic credentials when any issues of faith are brought up, you’d think attacks on churches would be a big issue for this administration. But Psaki, didn’t even know about the report, or at least pretended not to, and then tried to gloss over the issue and present most of what is going on as “peaceful protests,” saying:
I’ve not seen that report. Obviously, we don’t condone vandalism. We condone peaceful protest, and that’s something certainly we’re encouraging with everybody who feels passionate —
Jensen then jumped back in, saying “What would you say to those vandals going after — targeting Catholic churches, especially when it involves Roe? That’s what they’re basically focusing on.”
Jen, getting angry, refused to say anything other than vague generalities in response, snapping “Again, we don’t condone vandalism. We condone peaceful protest.”
She then tried to turn it from an attacking the churches issue to an abortion issue, saying “I think it’s important to note that 60 percent or 70 percent, depending on the poll you look at, of the American people do not want Roe to be overturned. I’m going to move on. Go ahead.”
Jensen then pressed Psaki on whether Biden would respect the court’s opinion, asking “Will the President respect the High Court’s final decision on Roe (inaudible)?”
Psaki, however, refused to respond, just saying that she was moving on.
It was a few minutes after that that Jensen managed to get land his best blow on Team Biden yet, asking who’s “looking out for the unborn child?”
Psaki got angry at that point, saying “Sir — sir —” as Jensen asked the question again, saying “Is anyone in the administration looking out for the unborn child?”
Psaki, predictably, refused to respond, implying that no one is standing up for the unborn and that Team Biden doesn’t want to deal with or care about that issue, and was obviously angry that she was even asked about it. Quite a sickening display from Team Biden.
By: Gen Z Conservative, editor of GenZConservative.com. Follow me on Parler and Gettr.
This story syndicated with permission from Will, Author at Trending Politics