Our friends on the left purport to be caring, reasonable, and embracing of common sense. But in reality, they’re none of these things. To combat a Chinese virus about which we still know very little, they try to cram down potentially dangerous mRNA vaccines about which we know even less. In the name of ‘equality,’ they push for hormone blockers and irreversible surgery to mutilate the bodies of troubled children confused about their gender.
And in an effort to achieve ‘climate justice,’ they’re willing to go as far as it takes to accomplish their goals, up to and including complete authoritarianism.
Part of that hysterical drumbeat to fix the evils of the sun monster – aka climate change – is the constant promotion of electric vehicles. But there are still legitimate concerns about the practicality, genuine benefit to the environment, and long-term cost of electric vehicles. There are also valid concerns about the safety of those vehicles. Watch this video:
The government-owned and operated Régie Autonome des Transports Parisiens, based in Paris, owned the two buses, and RATP has since pulled 149 other electric buses out of service as a result, according to Le Parisien. Both incidents happened last month, with the most recent explosion occurring on April 29th.
After the April 29th incident, plumes of black smoke could be seen for several kilometers. Fortunately, no one was hurt in either explosion.
The bus in the second explosion was part of the Bluebus 5SE series, manufactured by Bolloré, according to a statement from the RATP. The make and model of the first bus are unclear but are thought to also be by Bolloré.
French officials are demanding Bolloré conduct a full investigation of the incident and provide a corrective action plan to address the issues. Meanwhile, the organization is making other arrangements to compensate for the lost availability of the vehicles and to keep their mass transit system fluid.
But safety concerns with electric vehicles are not limited to France. One of the earliest such incidents occurred ten years ago in China when an EV taxi caught fire and three people died. In India last month, the government urged the manufacturers of electric motorcycles to implement voluntary recalls of their vehicles after similar fires and explosions. And yes, even the American-made Tesla vehicles aren’t immune to these fires, with multiple incidents having been reported.
There is much to be optimistic about regarding the advancements in electric vehicles, and it would be foolish to doubt that they may be a practical option in the near future. But they are far from perfect. The manufacturing of EVs leaves a dramatic environmental footprint of their own. The length of a battery charge and range of travel once complete are also concerns. But these safety issues are probably the most troubling aspect of EVs and should give us pause.
The left may be all-in on electric vehicles, but it would be wise to proceed with caution. And the French authorities are doing the right thing by pumping the brakes for now.
By Jordan Case
Jordan Case offers opinions from the unique perspective of both entrepreneur and parent and is a regular contributor to The Blue State Conservative. Jordan does not participate in the cesspool of social media.
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