I am not sure what to make of Truth Social yet. Rumors are that Trump encouraged Elon Musk to purchase Twitter and, once it happened, expressed contentment to stay on his own platform instead of hopping back ogver to his tens of millions of loyal followers.
Time will tell what happens with all of this social media rejiggering. One thing is certain, though, and that’s the fact that Donald Trump is laying the foundation for one of the most epic political comebacks in history.
Hyperbole? Not if you consider the fact that he got impeached twice and has had his fellow patriots deemed the worst extremisst in history. He ahd his Twitter account delerted – while still functioning as the Commander-in-Chief. They hate Trump. They hate all of us.
And that is what makes this ad so sweet and delicious. In fifty-eight glorious seconds, Trump exposes Joe Biden, the Democrat machine, and every single one of the actual voters who cast a ballot for Sleepy Joe as utter fools. Enjoy:
BREAKING: Donald Trump posts new video slamming Biden on Truth Social. Is this his first 2024 Campaign ad? pic.twitter.com/jcTtAQ1Rsx
— Benny Johnson (@bennyjohnson) May 9, 2022
“Weak. Unprepared. Incapable. Unstable.”
If those aren’t four words summarizing Biden and his entire administration, I don’t know what could do it better.
When I watched the ad for the first time, and knowing it was from Trump, I expected something different. This isn’t Trump’s style at all. What I mean by that is…there wasn’t any Trump. No speeches, no ooh rahs, just a montage of bumbling, fumbling, stumbling Joe Biden as he slips going up stairs, stammers through speeches, and whispers creepily for what feels like forever.
The big question still remains: What is Donald Trump going to do in 2024? Perhaps an equally exciting question is what will Trump do in 2022? After all, Representative Matt Gaetz (R-FL) suggested that Donald Trump would be the next Speaker of the House come the red wave in November. This idea has existed since Joe Biden was inaugurated.
Is there a downside to Speaker Trump? I can hardly see one. If Trump thrives on visibility, what better way to be a gigantic thorn in the left’s side by grabbing the gavel from the corrupt and vile Nancy Pelosi, and then showing up everywhere in media and television to say Trumpish things regarding Brandon and Kamala. The idea that he could sit behind Joe Biden at the next State of the Union would probably be reason enough to make Covid come back, just so that the SOTU would have to be held virtually.
One thing is for certain, though. Democrats are going to get trounced in the midterms. Trump has always been politically savvy for himself, but now he might be getting savvy for the entire MAGA movement. This ad serves one purpose: Reminding voters to remove Dems from office in November. Joe Biden is the figurehead for the entire failed experiement of Demcorat control.
We can change that. And this video is a powerful start.
Hailey Sanibel fiercely loves freedom. She equally detests evil and stupidity, both of which are out of control in the modern world. She is a regular contributor at The Blue State Conservative.
This story syndicated with permission from The Blue State Conservative