Over the weekend, gangs of thuggish, pro-abortion protesters marched to and “protested” outside the homes of Chief Justice John Roberts, who ironically voted their way, at least according to the Alito opinion, and Justice Brett Kavanaugh, who the left despises because of the false allegations made about him and his anti-abortion stance.
Well, the threat posed by the doxxing of the Supreme Court justices by a group called “Ruth Sent Us” and the marching hordes of leftists was apparently severe enough that Justice Alito, the author of the Dobbs opinion that overturns Roe, had to be whisked out of town and put somewhere safe.
Breitbart, reporting on that, notes that:
Rumors around D.C. are that Alito and his family have been moved to an undisclosed location for safety, according to interviews on Fox News and WMAL radio, given the additional opposition he is facing as the writer of the leaked majority opinion.
That would make sense, as last week Justice Alito had to cancel an appearance at the the U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals’ judicial conference due to security threats stemming from the leak of his opinion in the Dobbs case. Politico, reporting on that missed conference, noted that:
The justice was scheduled to speak at the Fifth Circuit’s Annual Conference but instead recorded a brief video for attendees. He said he was “very much looking forward to visiting,” according to Josh Blackman, a professor at South Texas College of Law, who published a blog post about the cancellation.
This story syndicated with permission from Will, Author at Trending Politics