Regardless of what else happens today, it will be a memorable one in America’s battle against leftist radicalism. We’ve seen significant steps taken in the past few months. In states such as Oklahoma, laws have been passed this year banning the participation of biological men/boys in women’s/girls’ sports. We had the infinitely reasonable, and widely popular, Parental Rights In Education Law in Florida that the left futilely tried to label as the “Don’t Say Gay Bill.”
Now today, we have more common sense being enshrined in state law. This time it’s happening in Alabama, and once again it’s a law that will go a long way to protecting our children.
This morning, Monday, May 9, 2022, a new law went into effect making it a felony to administer puberty blockers and to perform so-called “gender-affirming” surgery to anyone under the age of 19. Offenses violating the law will be punishable by up to ten years in prison.
While the law is presently in effect and applicable, there is still an ongoing legal battle taking place. According to Reuters:
“After a two-day hearing concluded on Friday, U.S. District Judge Liles Burke gave no indication on when he will rule on the motion seeking to temporarily halt enforcement of the ban while a lawsuit is pending, according to local media reports.
The lawsuit, brought by organizations including the Human Rights Campaign and GLBTQ Legal Advocates & Defenders, argues the ban would cause ‘immediate and irreparable’ harm to the plaintiffs and that the measure violates several of their constitutional rights.”
Only time will tell on just how Judge Burke will rule, or how subsequent appeals may play out. In the meantime, sanity appears to have prevailed over madness, and the momentum in American culture is clearly shifting to the right.
Children are clearly at a disadvantage when left to make life-changing decisions on their own. According to multiple studies, the human brain is still developing until at least age 30. It is for this reason that laws prohibiting the consumption of alcohol and cannabis prior to age 18 makes so much sense. It’s why the age of sexual consent being 16 is not only prudent, it may be too young.
The last thing children who are confused about their gender – or anything less for that matter – need to be doing is pumping chemicals into their systems that will permanently alter their bodies, or undergo elective surgeries that will forever mutilate their bodies. Allowing such radical actions isn’t compassionate, it’s child abuse and it defies logic and common sense. And those promoting such an approach are willing to sacrifice the well-being of children to further their far-left woke agenda.
Allowing children, in some cases small children, to make choices that will permanently alter their bodies and/or personalities is not just cruel, it’s also now criminal in Alabama. And hopefully, it will be in other states in the near future as well.
By Jess Lawson
Jess Lawson is a regular contributor to The Blue State Conservative and a passionate, conservative millennial who loves America.
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