Senile President of the United States Joe Biden recently made an astounding claim about the MAGA movement, claiming without evidence that MAGA is “really the most extreme political organization that’s existed in American history, in recent American history.”
Undeterred by the vociferous reaction to that claim, Sen. Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) decided to take much the same tack in attacking Republicans when he appeared on Fox News and got into an argument with host Brett Baier.
Senator Murphy, deciding to paint the Florida legislature as “radical” for not wanting creepy teachers talking about sex and their genitals with kindergarteners, said:
“I am very concerned about the sort of very quick, hateful, divisive turn that the Republican Party has taken.
“This effort in Florida to sort of target gay kids in schools, I just think is mean-spirited and something that I had not seen from the Republican Party when I first started out in politics 20 years ago.”
Incorrect, Senator, incorrect. For one, it’s not mean-spirited, but rather a common-sense law meant to stop teachers from preying on young children or teaching them radical sexual theories contrary to the interests of their parents.
Further, twenty years ago everyone in America other than a few radicals was against even gay marriage, much less teachers trying to give puberty blockers to their pupils or talking to them about homosexual sex! It’s the left that’s sprinted out of the Overton window over the past decade or so, not the right. That much is quite clear.
Baier, in any case, pushed back on Murphy’s claim near immediately, saying: “Hold on, I’m going to interrupt you. To target gay kids in schools? The bill is about not talking about sexual identity from K through third grade. That’s not targeting gay kids.”
Indeed, that depiction of the bill is accurate, unlike whatever hogwash Murphy was pushing. The bill stops teachers from talking about sex or sexual theories with young children at all, not in a way that targets gays.
Regardless, the leftist senator insisted that the bill is all about targeting gays, saying “Yes it is. It is absolutely is. It is sending a message to these kids that they are not worthy, that they should be ashamed of their identification.”
Baier then asked him the all-important question, the one that shows how he really feels about the subject rather than how he pretends he feels for political purposes, asking “Senator, do you talk to your kindergartner about sexual identity?”
Predictably, Murphy refused to answer. Presumably, he doesn’t talk to kindergarteners about sex or sexual theory and would be creeped out if someone did so to his children. But he couldn’t say that thanks to how radical the left is, so he decided to make it about trans people committing suicide, as if that has anything with stopping teachers from talking to kindergarteners about sex, saying:
“Half of trans kids in this country have contemplated suicide, and that’s because of the effort to bully them for their identity by adults in this country. So I absolutely do think that there’s a message sent to these kids when you suggest that a conversation about their identity is somehow threatening the education of kids in our schools.”
But Baier knew he’d found his mark and wouldn’t let it go, saying:
“With your children, did you talk about sexual identity as a kindergartner? I mean, you don’t talk about the birds and the bees, let alone the birds and the birds, at that age, kindergarten through third grade.”
This story syndicated with permission from Will, Author at Trending Politics