What’s it called when protesters show up at a judge’s house in an attempt to indimidate him into voting a certain way on a contentious issue?
Some, such as Jen Psaki and her cronies in Team Biden, refer to the attempted intimidation of justices as “peaceful protesting,” even when confronted with the obvious fact that those supposed “peaceful protesters” are raging outside of houses that contain the families of the judges.
Others have their heads screwed on straight and thus can see the the cartel-like behavior for what it realy is: domestic terrorism that seems more like what one would expect to find in the courts of Medellin or Sinaloa rather than Alexandria, Virginia.
Surprisingly, one such person is Piers Morgan, who appeared on Megyn Kelly’s show to discuss the issue with her.
During that discussion, Kelly started talking about the issue by pointing out the foolishness of radicals showing up to protest at the home of a justice who voted their way, saying:
“First of all, these are dumbass protesters because according to the reports, Chief Justice Roberts isn’t even in the majority in this draft opinion. He might actually already be siding with the liberals. We’re not sure. They’re just dopes. Right, so they just go to the Chief Justice’s home for no reason.”
But Kelly didn’t end there. She continued, slamming the radical, woke protesters for showing up at Kavanaugh’s home, where his young children are, saying:
“Justice Kavanaugh seems to be part of the majority so they go to his house. He has two young daughters. No one cares, so let’s go scare them. There’s other protests planned, we’re told, at Amy Coney Barrett‘s house. She’s got young children including a 10-year-old who happens to have down syndrome.”
“Great idea to go to that house and scare the child! To me, it’s disgusting and it’s actually deeply problematic because I think it’s an open attempt to intimidate a court. — Our White House here continues to shrug it off like ‘Protests are really a good thing, this is just a run-of-the-mill protest.’”
It was then that Piers Morgan, himself no rock-ribbed conservative, chimed in to attack the protesters and characterize them as domestic terrorists, saying:
“It’s not a run-of-the-mill protest when you basically terrorize the senior judge of the country at home when they have young kids. That’s a form of domestic terrorism that’s going on. You saw it in Wisconsin, I think when an anti-abortion building was targeted overnight with a firebomb.”
Reiterating his point, he added that “It’s completely outrageous behavior. This is domestic terrorism you’re witnessing.”
Indeed. That is what it’s called when crazy protesters show up and try to intimidate a judge or toss a Molotov cocktail in a pro-life pregnancy clinic, which is the Wisconsin even referenced by Piers Morgan.
That’s not the “political process” or “peaceful protesting”, that’s domestic terrorism, and Team Biden’s refusal to say so is sickening.
By: Gen Z Conservative, editor of GenZConservative.com. Follow me on Parler and Gettr.
This story syndicated with permission from Will, Author at Trending Politics