In the culture war, the left does well in identifying areas they can exploit in their attempt to deconstruct local, state, and national governments.
In the United States, several very wealthy tech moguls and entertainers use their resources to fund groups involved in social justice causes. In addition international globalists, such as George Soros, spend hundreds of millions of dollars on groups inside the U.S. for use in social engineering.
The public education system was founded to ensure that all students received standardized teaching at publically funded facilities. Until 1962, students were universally asked to join in on teacher-led prayer and Bible studies.
As the Christian influence was removed from the schools, the educators were left without the 10 Commandments and other objective moral rules for use in providing any such guidance for the youth.
Progressives for the past years have exploited the situation by advancing socialism, social justice, and advanced sex education throughout the radically evolving approved curriculum.
As they typically do, the left went too far in their pursuits, creating a firestorm of angry parents who are fighting back demanding the removal of the porn, Critical Race Theory, and LBGTQ materials from their children’s schools.
These parents are connecting via social media and locally. They have started nominating parents in their groups to run for the local school boards. Just as we saw in Virginia in 2021, the conservatives in Tarrant County, Texas just blew the doors of the school board building.
Conservative candidates WON BIG in the Tarrant County Texas school board elections this weekend.
All but one of the 11 conservative candidates won their race this weekend.
The conservatives were running on a platform to remove racist Critical Race Theory indoctrination from the classrooms. The candidates also spoke out against pornography in books discussing LGBT issues.
In Tarrant County, Texas which includes Fort Worth–the last major urban red county standing in the US, and targeted by the Dems for several years–lots of conservatives won in key local elections yesterday. School boards retained/flipped, mayors, city council seats.
— Texas Craig Rocks Right🇺🇸 (@NoSoyBoy1) May 8, 2022
The Texas Tribune reported:
“All but one of the 11 Tarrant County conservative school board candidates, who were backed this year by several high-profile donors and big-money PACs, defeated their opponents during Saturday’s local elections, according to unofficial results. The one candidate backed by the groups who didn’t win outright advances to a runoff election in June.”
“The 10 candidates won the school board races for the Grapevine-Colleyville, Keller, Mansfield, and Carroll school districts.”
“The candidates’ sweep shows a large swath of voters across the county responded to their calls to eradicate so-called critical race theory from classrooms and remove books discussing LGBTQ issues, which concerned parents have described as “pornographic.” Education experts, school administrators and teachers all say that critical race theory, a university-level concept that examines the institutional legacies of racism, is not taught in elementary, middle or high school classrooms.”
“The victories also show that the staggering amounts of money that were poured into the once low-profile and nonpartisan local races are producing their intended effect. PACs organized by parents, as well as a newly formed PAC from a self-proclaimed Christian cellphone company, collectively raised over half a million dollars for the local races this year. They spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on top political consulting firms that bolstered an anti-CRT platform with flyers saying the candidates were “saving America.”
By: Eric Thompson, editor of EricThompsonShow.com. Follow me on Twitter and MagaBook
This story syndicated with permission from Eric Thompson, Author at Trending Politics