Florida’s Republican Governor Ron DeSantis is on a roll. Since his initial gubernatorial campaign four years ago, DeSantis has gone from an under-the-radar Congressman as one of 435 members of the House of Representatives to one of the most prominent figures on the American political stage. With the possible exception of Donald Trump, there is no one with a higher trajectory and no one who strikes fear in the hearts of the left quite like Ron DeSantis.
Life is good if you’re Ron DeSantis, and it only seems to be getting better.
Yesterday on the campaign trail – DeSantis is up for re-election this year – the governor was joined onstage with Florida First Lady Casey DeSantis for the first time in a while. Mrs. DeSantis has been battling breast cancer, and in early March the governor announced that she was “cancer-free” after multiple treatments.
Consequently, the joy could be heard in her voice as she made a grand entrance. Watch:
Blessed to be back with @GovRonDeSantis fighting to keep Florida free.
God is great, and hope is alive!https://t.co/qif0tkgJEG pic.twitter.com/LfOqEhmRsq
— Casey DeSantis (@FLCaseyDeSantis) May 10, 2022
Mrs. DeSantis’ initial exultation for just being there drew loud applause, and rightfully so. Even those on the far-left would have to appreciate a beautiful woman and mother like Casey DeSantis defeating the scourge of breast cancer:
“I don’t know if this sounds very First Lady-like, but damn, it feels good to be here!”
But her follow-up statement and quote from her father highlighted another aspect of the DeSantis family. Their faith and spirituality:
“I am a testament that God is great. God is good. And hope is alive… Have faith, and don’t let the bastards win.”
Ron and Casey DeSantis are Catholics and are unapologetic about their faith. And it’s refreshing to hear and see them embrace their faith, particularly in the context of conquering cancer and the role their beliefs played in the fight. Bravo, Mrs. DeSantis.
But that’s not the only good news for the governor and first lady. According to Fox News, the governor is also raking in campaign funds. Last month, the DeSantis campaign raised $2.297 million, and Friends of Ron DeSantis, his PAC, has hauled in $8.156 million to total more than $113 million during the current election cycle.
The campaign also explained that it was the governor’s best fundraising month since forming the campaign committee last fall. In contrast, Democratic gubernatorial candidate Charlie Crist reported a second consecutive month in April of raising only $1 million.
The immediate task at hand for the governor and his wife, aside from prioritizing the rearing of their three young children, is to win re-election in November. And considering Mr. DeSantis’ massive popularity and his remarkable fund-raising efforts, it seems clear he is headed for a landslide victory. But what we’re all anxious to see, particularly for those of us on the political right, is just how far Mr. and Mrs. DeSantis take this seemingly unstoppable trajectory. At this point, it appears that the sky is the limit.
By Jordan Case
Jordan Case offers opinions from the unique perspective of both entrepreneur and parent and is a regular contributor to The Blue State Conservative. Jordan does not participate in the cesspool of social media.
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