Philosophically it is a good thing when those who claim to have overcome addictions, left gangs, or walked away from other anti-social activities, to get involved in work that helps others also get free of their vices and live productive lives.
In reality, many of those making professions of victory, are actually still carrying baggage and in effect are walking time bombs of destruction.
Non-profit groups working in typically declining urban areas, tend to be significantly underfunded leaving them to rely primarily on volunteers and those who will work for lower than industry standard wages for the organization.
Sometimes the worst of their humanity comes back out with them reverting to their old ways.
Police are seeking the whereabouts of a man who is accused of opening fire on patrons at a Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, bar on April 30.
According to a report from KYW-TV, Philadelphia police are looking for Antonio Jardine, 51, who was inside Strawberry Mansion bar when a fight broke out.
Jardine is accused of opening fire during the altercation.
The police say he’s no ordinary suspect. Antonio was supposedly fighting Philadelphia’s gun surge and was on the clock for an anti-violence agency when he went for his gun, shooting up the bar.
“We believe, again, this is a domestic argument between two individuals and the person he’s arguing with pulls out a gun. He then pulls out his gun and the two shoot it out and obviously, Mr. Jardine flees the scene, he’s currently a fugitive,” Philadelphia Police Capt. John Walker said.
At least three people were injured in the shooting. Their conditions are unknown at the time of this reporting.
Following the incident, Jardine reportedly fled in a van belonging to the organization.
Jardine no longer works for the network, and police are seeking his whereabouts in connection with the crime.
George Mosee, a former prosecutor and executive director of the agency, told the station that he was furious to hear the reports.
“I was informed that an employee of the Philadelphia Anti-Drug Anti-Violence Network was involved in a shooting that resulted in three people being wounded,” Mosee said. “It’s completely repugnant to everything that we stand for.”
Mosee added that he hopes Jardine turns himself in.
“We want to make sure that he does things from this point forward the right way,” he added.
Jardine, according to police, has a violent criminal history including aggravated assault, yet was carrying a gun during his shift.
After serving in a few church plants in the San Francisco bay area, I understand how difficult it can be when working with people struggling with various issues.
It can take a considerable amount of time and resources to help those who will not let go, finally do so, and let God heal them.
Antonio Jardine is obviously someone who should have been working on his violence issues instead of trying to help others in the middle of a bar while carrying a gun.
By: Eric Thompson, editor of EricThompsonShow.com. Follow me on Twitter and MagaBook
This story syndicated with permission from Eric Thompson, Author at Trending Politics