Netflix is hardly a reactionary company. In fact, my family canceled our subscription because of how woke and leftist it is.
But now even Netflix, a woke company if there ever was one, is getting so annoyed by its woke employees that it’s essentially telling them that they need to shut up and stop complaining about it hosting content that they don’t like.
That message to employees came in the form of an updated “Netflix Culture” memo. The new version of the memo includes a new section called “Artistic Expression”. According to that new section, Netflix maintains that it will not “censor specific artists or voices” even if employees consider the content “harmful.” The memo said:
“Entertaining the world is a great opportunity and also a challenge because viewers have very different tastes and points of view. So we offer a wide variety of TV shows and movies, some of which can be provocative. To help members make informed choices about what to watch, we offer ratings, content alerts and easy-to-use parental controls.
“Not everyone will like or agree with everything on our service. While every title is different, we approach them based on the same set of principles: we support the artistic expression of the creators we want to work with; we program for a diversity of target groups and tastes; and we let viewers decide what’s right for them, rather than Netflix censoring specific artists or voices.”
“As contributors, we support the principle that Netflix offers a diversity of stories, even if we find some titles that conflict with our own personal values. Depending on your role, you may need to work on titles that you consider harmful. If you’re having a hard time supporting our content breadth, Netflix may not be the best place for you.”
That’s essentially Netflix losing it on the always complaining wokies that it employs and telling htem they need to stop demanding censorship whenever they disagree and that if they can’t do so, then it’s high time they find a new job.
The memo was reportedly sparked by employee anger over Dave Chappelle’s new skit, which is available on Netflix. Windobi, reporting on that aspect of the situation, notes that:
The Artistic Expression portion of the Netflix Culture document appears to be largely a response to the controversy over Dave Chappelle’s “The Closer” that had Netflix embroiled last fall in what critics say were his transphobic and homophobic comments in the stand-up special. Co-CEO Ted Sarandos defended the company’s decision to keep the Chappelle special in service, sparking a major workers’ strike in protest.
Is this how the pit dug by woke companies bowing to ever-woker employees can finally be clambered out of? Perhaps companies will finally start telling their woke employees to just stop complaining or leave if they can’t. We’ll see if it turns into a trend, a trend of exhausted reaction against the soul-destroying wokeness of the present moment.
By: Gen Z Conservative, editor of GenZConservative.com. Follow me on Parler and Gettr.
This story syndicated with permission from Gen Z Conservative