One of the greatest tools in the right’s toolbelt right now is the term “ok, groomer”. Developed when the left freaked out about the idea that teachers might not be able to talk to six-year-olds about sex in some states, the term is generally directed toward those who creepily side with the seeming pedos, or at least pedophile apologists, over the children and their right to not be preyed upon by creeps.
Predictably, the left hated the term and went after it with a vengeance, claiming that it made all homosexuals look like pedophiles and attempting to use that talking point to get Republicans to stop using the highly effective phrase, a phrase that made pedo-apologists look quite bad.
Well, podcaster, comedian, and UFC commentator Joe Rogan just waded into the debate to defend use of the term during his recent podcast with Gad Saad. Discussing the left’s attempt to say that all those who say “ok, Groomer” are calling gays groomers, Rogan said:
And if you want to tell me that they’re the same thing, I say f*** you! Cause they’re not! Cause there’s a lot of fucking crazy people that wind up being teachers.
Someone said to me that, or I read this, not all – the term “groomer,” a lot of people don’t like that term online. They’re very upset. But they’re real. There are groomers. You don’t like it? Do you not like it because you don’t want children to be groomed, or do you not like it cause it’s a pejorative that’s used against the left? Which I think is more likely.
Here’s what’s more important — not have people groom your fucking kids. That’s what’s more important than you getting uncomfortable with this word because it’s used by people on the right.
Like I saw someone, as an argument, who I think is an intelligent person say that there should be a block against using the word “groomer.”
Indeed. That reasonable response is likely how most Americans, normal people who don’t want their kids groomed by creepy teachers, feel about the issue; if saying “ok, groomer” is what it takes to stop creeps from preying on their kids, then why not say it?
And the fact is that many of the people teaching kids and insisting that the “groomer” label is “offensive” are creeps, as Rogan pointed out when he continued his defense of the term, Rogan saying:
No! No, there should be no groomers! How about that! This is what they wrote, they said, “Not all teachers are groomers, but a lot of groomers are teachers.” And that’s real! That’s a real fucking problem. I mean, constantly, teachers are getting arrested. For exposing themselves to children, for masturbating in front of children, for sending nude pictures in front of children. Every couple days there’s a new one that pops up in the news.
And how many of those people haven’t been caught yet? And how many of those people are out there? And how many of those people are doing it under the guise of “I’m an LGBTQ educator!’”
Excellent points from Rogan. The term is awesome: it’s accurate, the left hates it, and it’s super effective. Keep calling them Groomers to keep winning the culture war!
By: Gen Z Conservative, editor of GenZConservative.com. Follow me on Parler and Gettr.
This story syndicated with permission from Will, Author at Trending Politics