Those of you who don’t already know who Aaron Lewis is need to give him a lookup. He’s awesome; his music is great, he is the opposite of woke, and the songs he sing generally carry good messages.
Not only that, but he’s also not at all a fan of Joe Biden, as can be seen in the below video, where he led his crowd in singing not one of his songs, but rather the “chant heard ’round the world” at the time: f*** Joe Biden!
Now that’s awesome. I aspire to one day be at a concert where the singer starts mercilessly harassing a much-despised Democrat president. It seems awesome.
Now what happened here, for context, is that Lewis heard people who were attending the concert trying to get the classic chant going. Then, rather than just ignoring them and continuing to sing, or doing what many singers would have done and gone on a rant about how wonderful Democrat leadership is, he joined them and kicked the chant into high gear! Now that’s a singer whose concert I’d want to attend!
Louder with Crowder, giving more background on Lewis’ conservative credentials, notes that:
Aaron Lewis made news this year with his #1 hit “Am I the Only One.” Leftists tried getting him canceled because the lyrics didn’t praise the glory of socialism. Those leftists failed at doing so. Lewis joins cats like John Ondrasik (of Five for Fighting Fame) as mainstream artists who are willing to speak out about how terrible Joe Biden is at being president.
The FJB chants have, at this point, mostly died out. Whether people have grown tired of them or, because of the cold of winter, just stopped attending events where crowds could really be whipped into an FJB frenzy, they aren’t happening as much as they used to.
Perhaps, if we share a few old clips like this and remind people of how awesome the chants were, we can get the trend going again and use them to remind Americans that their idiotic Emperor has no clothes! Or, I suppose, to slightly modify the title of the old tale, the senile president has no brains or support.
So share this article to remind people how great the chants were and see if we can get them going again! Between the inflation, the continual excuses for all that’s gone wrong, and the utter disaster that is the Joe Biden White House, Brandon sure deserves the constant mockery.
Remember, Brandon is the president who, in a recent speech, said “Let me tell you about this ultra MAGA agenda. It’s extreme, as most MAGA things are.”
By: Gen Z Conservative, editor of GenZConservative.com. Follow me on Parler and Gettr.
This story syndicated with permission from Gen Z Conservative