FNC’s Tucker Carlson is a real conservative if there ever was one, a brave fighter for the America First movement that’s more than willing to speak out against and struggle with any of the MAGA movement’s enemies, whoever they might be.
While that normally means fighting Democrats, particularly of the blue hair and crazy variety, sometimes it entails bashing RINOS, something that Tucker is also very good at.
Such was the case recently, when Tucker was interviewing former Democrat Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard, a combat veteran who has turned out to be a better ally to populists like Trump and Carlson than many RINOs, including pro-forever war Dan Crenshaw.
Tucker tore into Crenshaw and his pro-war outlook, particularly his tendency to viciously attack anyone who says that perhaps the US should be focused on domestic issues rather than fighting a proxy war with Russia abroad. Speaking on that, Tucker said:
You know, the more I think about it, it takes a lot of gall for eye-patch McCain to attack moms who are worried about baby formula as quote, pro-Russia. I mean, that’s probably, that’s one of the most outrageous things I’ve ever heard now that I’m thinking about it. I mean, why not just answer the question — why the attacks? What does that tell you?
Watch him make the joke here:
Tucker Carlson derisively refers to @DanCrenshawTX, who lost his eye while serving our country as a Navy SEAL in Afghanistan, as “eye-patch McCain.” pic.twitter.com/ItsrNyPGQd
— Jonathan Karl (@jonkarl) May 17, 2022
Crenshaw was less than happy about the insult, saying, in a statement to the Daily Caller:
“You hurl juvenile insults when you know you’ve lost the debate. I stand by every word I said in my interview with Trey Gowdy.”
Is that right? Perhaps to a RINO, but not in reality. Trump hurled insults against everyone on the debate stage with him, particularly Jeb! Bush, and wiped the floor with them in 2016. Rather, it appears that the confident say what they please and the weak whine about it.
Meanwhile, John McCain the RINO’s daughter, Meghan, also was upset, saying:
This is just trash.
That being said I’m sure @DanCrenshawTX doesn’t mind the comparison.
This is just trash.
That being said I’m sure @DanCrenshawTX doesn’t mind the comparison. https://t.co/JpzUZBuC93
— Meghan McCain (@MeghanMcCain) May 17, 2022
Probably not, since he’s a RINO. But, were he a real conservative like Tucker and fighter for the MAGA movement, then he sure wouldn’t want to be compared to John McCain.
Crenshaw has been seen as an enemy by many on the right since his 2019 call for red flag laws on Twitter. Back then, he said, in a pro-gun control Twitter thread:
In disbelief at another tragic shooting. Tara and I are praying for the victims and their families. Thank you to the Dayton police who took out the coward who did this in one minute. Houston stands with El Paso and Dayton as their communities heal from these senseless tragedies.
These disgusting mass shootings have been following a pattern ever since Columbine. Sick and lonely men have decided this is how they will vent their frustration.
The solutions aren’t obvious, even if we pretend they are. But we must try. Let’s start with the TAPS Act. Maybe also implement state “red flag” laws, or gun violence restraining orders. Stop them before they can hurt someone.
Eyepatch McCain must have not seen the GOP party platform, as the right stands firmly against gun control, particularly of the sort that would give the government the ability to deem dissidents “crazy” and take their firearms, a direct violation of the 2nd Amendment.
Between that and his support for Forever Wars abroad, it makes sense that Crenshaw found himself on Tucker’s bad side, particularly after his disgusting comments regarding those more worried about feeding their babies than some corrupt oligarchy in Eastern Europe.
By: Gen Z Conservative, editor of GenZConservative.com. Follow me on Parler and Gettr.
This story syndicated with permission from Will, Author at Trending Politics