A sick, demented individual shot up a supermarket in Buffalo, New York. What happened was horrific, evil, and all the other usual adjectives regarding such shootings.
So, what’s Team Biden’s response? Well to call for tyranny, of course! When have Democrats ever let such an evil event go to waste?
Perhaps most insane was the bomb that Jean-Pierre, the new press secretary, dropped about Biden’s wish for a “domestic terrorism” act that could be used to go after mass shooters by charging them with “domestic terrorism”.
News on that came during Tuesday the 17th’s press briefing, during which a reporter said:
Karine, you were talking about the Domestic Terrorism Prevention Act. That — it’s somewhat broad in what it would do — increasing resources, what have you. Does the President think — does the President believe that there should be a domestic terrorism statute that allows prosecutors to charge suspects of mass shooting with domestic terrorism?
The correct, reasonable answer would have been “no”, as what we’ve seen in recent years is that the “terrorism” issue tends to be used to go after dissidents and others who get in the way, often without due process. Mass shooters are evil, but the proper response to such crimes isn’t to expand the definition of terrorism to cover them, it’s to charge homicidal maniacs with murder.
Unfortunately, that’s not what Jean-Pierre had to say. Assuming she did her homework this time and wasn’t just making stuff up, as embarrassingly happened on her first day on the job, it turns out that Biden’s ready to start treating such people as terrorists. Speaking on that, Jean-Pierre said:
So in light of today’s evolving domestic terrorism threat, we have to consider whether legislation — legislative reforms could meaningfully and materially increase our ability to protect Americans from acts of domestic terrorism while simultaneously guarding against potential abuse and outreach.
You know, we have asked the Department of Justice as part of our strategy to counter domestic terrorism, as I just laid out, to closely examine whether new legislative authorities that balance safely — safety and the protection of civil liberties are necessary and appropriate. And this is something they have said they are carefully considering. So, this is still in progress as something that they’re looking at.
And guess what came exactly after her point about domestic terrorism? The implication that conservative talk show hosts are to blame…will they be charged under the new domestic terrorism act for being dissidents?
That wasn’t spoken out loud, but it was implied by what happened next. The same journalist, questioning the new press secretary about what conservatives have been saying, asked:
And also, yesterday, you were asked a couple of times about whether or not certain commentators and media, whether or not certain members of the Republican Party as well should share some blame in amplifying “replacement theory.” It seems like the administration at this point is not calling out by name some of those people that have, in fact, amplified that theory.
Can you walk through the thinking of the President and the White House of why this is not a time and why it’s not effective to call them out? Or do you feel that it’s not effective, and will you call them out by name?
And guess what? Team Biden isn’t a fan of such people, as was shown by Jean-Pierre’s viciously-worded response. She said:
So the people who spread this filth know who they are, and they should be ashamed of themselves. But I’m not going to give them or — give them or their obnoxious ideas they’re pushing the attention that they desperately want.
So, the President has already called out this — this poisonous, false, hateful ideology, including on Saturday and Sunday, saying, “Any act of domestic terrorism, including an act perpetrated in the name of a repugnant white nationalist ideology, is antithetical to everything we stand for in America” and that “We must all work together to address the hate that remains a stain on the soul of America.”
Every leader should condemn that hate and certainly not echo it. We’re going to focus on what unites us as Americans. That’s going to be what we’re focusing on.
So these people are evil, and domestic terrorism is tied to a certain viewpoint. Conveniently, they’re getting ready to crack down on such “domestic terrorism”. Yikes. Though it wasn’t spoken aloud, the conclusion that dissidents will draw from her remarks is ominous.
By: Gen Z Conservative, editor of GenZConservative.com. Follow me on Parler and Gettr.
This story syndicated with permission from Will, Author at Trending Politics