A mother from Minnesota has now been charged in the death of her 6-year-old son after the child’s body was discovered in the trunk of her vehicle during a traffic stop last week, according to local law enforcement officials.
The mother, Julissa Thaler, 28, was pulled over last Friday Orono law enforcement officers after they spotted her driving around with a busted window and a flat tire in Mound. Officers then noticed there was blood in the vehicle, but allowed Thaler, along with a male who in the car with her, to leave the scene, according to a report from Fox 9 of Minneapolis.
Police then paid a visit to Thaler’s apartment where they discovered her nearby with blood and other bits of biological evidence still on her body. The officers then stated that they discovered a washing machine running in the apartment that contained clothes she was wearing during the traffic stop.
Makes you wonder why in the world they let her go if they spotted blood in the car, right?
“Thaler was charged Sunday with second-degree intentional murder. According to a criminal complaint, Eli was shot up to nine times in the body and head, Fox Minneapolis reported. A shotgun was found near the boy’s body in the trunk,” Fox News reported.
“The charge said the intentional murder was ‘not premeditated,’ according to the report,” Fox News continued. “Court documents released Monday revealed the boy’s father, Tory Hart, was seeking custody of Eli at the time of his death and that Thaler purchased a shotgun just six days after Hart filed the paperwork.”
The purchase had family members very concerned, according to a report from KARE.
A relative of Thaler, and the former foster mother for Eli, Nikita Kronberg, spoke with social workers on many occasions stating she was concerned that Thaler would try and kill her child in order to not lose custody of him to the boy’s father.
“I told the social worker and the guardian that I was worried that she would kill Eli to prevent his father from getting custody,” Kronberg stated. “I expressed those fears numerous times, and it was clearly brushed aside.”
“Numerous people were saying they feared for Eli’s safety if he was returned to her, and that was ignored,” Kronberg also commented, Fox Minneapolis said.
The relation Kronberg had to Thaler was not made clear.
“Thaler’s father, who was not identified, told the outlet he was also fearful for his grandson’s life,” Fox said in their report.
“Tory was the parent that Eli deserved,” he went on to tell the outlet. “He is the guy you want raising your grandchild.”
“Josie Josephson, Hart’s fiancée, described Thaler as manipulative, saying she utilized false restraining orders to prolong the custody battle, the Star Tribune reported,” the report continued.
“She always found a way to manipulate the system,” she stated, according to the report. “She continued to throw these false allegations at Tory that we had to keep battling, which allowed her to keep Eli.”
“Eli was a very happy, energetic 6-year-old boy,” she then said, KARE reported. “He loved his dad immensely. His eyes would light up when he saw his dad.”
Thaler’s father confirmed these statements, defending the integrity of Hart.
“I guarantee you 100% that Tory is incapable of anything that Julissa accused him of,” he went on to say of the boy’s father, the Star Tribune reported. “He wasn’t even in the state when some of this stuff supposedly happened. He had receipts showing he was in Wisconsin, almost three hours away.”
Social workers for Dakota County have opted not to release a comment. A spokesperson for them went on to say later, “Our deepest sympathy goes out to family and friends impacted by this tragic loss. Due to privacy laws we cannot comment further.”
Thaler is currently being held on $2 million bail. She is scheduled to appear in court Tuesday.
“The 27-year-old man who was in the car where Eli’s body was found is jailed on suspicion of murder related to the boy’s death, but the Star Tribune reports he has not been charged because prosecutors say there is ‘there is insufficient evidence at this time,’” the report concluded.
This story syndicated with permission from Chad Prather
This story syndicated with permission from The Blue State Conservative