Now that the left has absolutely lost it and started going berserk on Elon over his switch to the GOP and insistence about buying Twitter for a fair price, is he backing down and surrendering to them in the hope that they’ll stop attacking him?
No. He’s going on the hardcore offensive with a “hardcore litigation” group that plans on taking the fight to his enemies, as he announced on Twitter, saying:
Tesla is building a hardcore litigation department where we directly initiate & execute lawsuits. The team will report directly to me.
Please send 3 to 5 bullet points describing evidence of exceptional ability.
Tesla is building a hardcore litigation department where we directly initiate & execute lawsuits. The team will report directly to me.
Please send 3 to 5 bullet points describing evidence of exceptional ability.
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) May 20, 2022
Adding more details in a string of follow up tweets attached as a thread to that first one, Elon said:
My commitment:
– We will never seek victory in a just case against us, even if we will probably win.
– We will never surrender/settle an unjust case against us, even if we will probably lose.
Please include links to cases you have tried
Looking for hardcore streetfighters, not white-shoe lawyers like Perkins or Cooley who thrive on corruption.
There will be blood.
Now that’s a message that he’s taking the fight to his enemies!
As a reminder, after Elon came out with his party switch in favor the GOP, Business Insider quickly published a hit piece claiming:
SpaceX, the aerospace firm founded by Elon Musk, the world’s wealthiest man, paid a flight attendant $250,000 to settle a sexual misconduct claim against Musk in 2018, Insider has learned.
The attendant worked as a member of the cabin crew on a contract basis for SpaceX’s corporate jet fleet. She accused Musk of exposing his erect penis to her, rubbing her leg without consent, and offering to buy her a horse in exchange for an erotic massage, according to interviews and documents obtained by Insider.
The incident, which took place in 2016, is alleged in a declaration signed by a friend of the attendant and prepared in support of her claim. The details in this story are drawn from the declaration as well as other documents, including email correspondence and other records shared with Insider by the friend.
According to the declaration, the attendant confided to the friend that after taking the flight attendant job, she was encouraged to get licensed as a masseuse so that she could give Musk massages. It was during one such massage in a private cabin on Musk’s Gulfstream G650ER, she told the friend, that Musk propositioned her.
Like Elon Musk, forty-fifth President Donald Trump has had his fair share of false accusations. His latest phony allegation is from “horse-faced” porn star Stormy Daniels, who falsely claimed Trump had her pay a $130,000 hush payment.
Stormy Daniels was ordered to pay Trump nearly $293,000 for his attorney fees and another $1,000 in sanctions after her defamation suit was dismissed.
Trump took to Twitter in 2018 to react to Stormy Daniel’s lawsuit being thrown out, writing, “‘Federal Judge throws out Stormy Danials lawsuit versus Trump. Trump is entitled to full legal fees.’ @FoxNews Great, now I can go after Horseface and her 3rd rate lawyer in the Great State of Texas. She will confirm the letter she signed! She knows nothing about me, a total con!”
Everything bounced off of the awesome Teflon don. Let’s hope the same is true here with Elon and that while the left’s attacks don’t stick to him he can go on the offensive with a vengeance thanks to this new department.
By: Gen Z Conservative
This story syndicated with permission from Gen Z Conservative