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Stick your progress where the sun don’t shine: Country rocker has message for progressives (video)

Country rocker John Rich has a new song called “Progress” and he’s telling progressives to “stick your progress where the sun don’t shine!” Rich tells the progressives something most of us are thinking when he dumps on them like a truck dropping 1,000 lbs of dirt on someone’s fake pronouns and burying them forever.


Rich said: “Stick your progress where the sun don’t shine. Keep your big mess away from me and mine. If you leave us alone, well, we’d all be just fine.”

Rich also talks about the following topics in his pure American song: “Jesus, faith, the travesty of the botched withdrawal from Afghanistan, lockdowns, homelessness and the border crisis. The lyrical beauty of the song is sure to echo from the Blue Ridge Mountains to the Rockies as we move toward the November midterms and I can’t wait to belt it from my pickup truck here in the Carolinas” said report.

What are some problems that progressives are causing? Well, for starters they keep pushing the pronoun nonsense, they won’t stop talking about non-age appropriate gender garbage in kindergarten, they’re letting drag queens perform or come to schools and libraries where kids are, and they’re STILL calling everything racist even though racism is usually not the problem. And let’s not forget the progressives are letting men walk around telling people they are women when they are NOT a woman. They’re letting MEN dominate women’s sports and they’re taking all common sense out of everything. It’s getting old and tiresome and most Americans are sick of it.

It’s like the word “progressive” is synonymous with brainless.

Photo: screencap John Rich video on YouTube! Go support John Rich and give him some plays on the video, itunes, and anywhere he can be found! He’s a true American!!

This story syndicated with licensed permission from Frank who writes about Entertainment News. Follow Frank on Facebook and Twitter