The vast majority of conservatives were disappointed by the overall outcome of the recent midterm elections, despite cinching a narrow victory to take back control of the House of Representatives. We were all expecting a massive red wave, but that did not materialize, despite the horrific performance of President Joe Biden in the White House and many other Democrats at both the state and federal level. However, while we may not have won as many seats as we would have liked or gained control of the Senate, we did do something else that’s pretty cool.
The Republican Party opened a few eyes, like those of a New York City council man who has now switched to the GOP after being a Democrat due to the spike in crime his city has experienced under leftist leadership, according to the Conservative Brief.
“Brooklyn City Councilman Ari Kagan, who represents the 47th district, said he is changing parties and is set to challenge Democrat Justin Brannan in a redrawn district,” the report said.
“Over the last several years in my personal humble opinion, [the] Democratic Party in New York became moving to the left at such a speed that they could not even keep up,” he went on to say at the beginning of the week. “And on issue after issue every year, every month, I started to feel that it’s not me leaving the Democratic Party, but [the] Democratic Party very quickly started to leave me. Especially on [the] most important issue of the day, public safety.”
“Every month I found myself like ‘what am I doing in the Democratic Party?’” he said. “In my own district, in southern Brooklyn, everywhere I knocked [on] the doors people saying ‘when are you switching to the Republican Party? “I believe right now, the Democratic Party is doing everything possible in New York City to make everybody less safe.”
NYC Councilman Ari Kagan announces exit from Democratic Party to join GOP: “I believe right now, the Democratic Party is doing everything possible in New York City to make everybody less safe.”
— Kyle Morris (@RealKyleMorris) December 6, 2022
This comes after Democratic Party candidate Kathy Hochul beat out GOP nominee Lee Zeldin in a race that was way closer than a lot of folks anticipated.
“And in November the Republicans took a crucial House spot from the Democrats in New York. Marc Molinaro was declared the winner in New York’s 19th Congressional District after defeating Democrat Josh Riley,” Conservative Brief reported.
“Molinaro defeated Riley 51.1 percent to 48.9 percent with 95 percent of the voting precincts reporting, according to the New York Times,” the report continued.
“Tonight, the voters of upstate sent a message that they demand a government that works for them. They just want to feed their families, heat their homes, and feel safe in their communities. I’m honored to have earned the trust of more than 100,000 voters, and I will work every day to be a worthy member of Congress for both those who did and did not vote for me. We have an opportunity to bring people together, Republicans and Democrats, and send a message to Washington, D.C., that we mean business. We know there are too many families, farmers, and small businesses all across upstate New York struggling too hard, getting too little in return, and paying far too much,” Molinaro remarked.
“I am incredibly grateful to the people in New York’s 19th Congressional District. I commend my opponent Josh Riley, because running for office is incredibly challenging – and credit belongs to the individual who enters the arena,” Molinaro posted in a tweet not long after the race was officially called.
I am incredibly grateful to the people in New York’s 19th Congressional District. I commend my opponent Josh Riley, because running for office is incredibly challenging – and credit belongs to the individual who enters the arena.
— Marc Molinaro #NY19
(@marcmolinaro) November 9, 2022
Molinaro then explained in his statement that he wanted to heal the hard feelings from the campaign.
“I commend my opponent Josh Riley because running for office is incredibly challenging — and credit belongs to the individual who enters the arena. Looking forward, my goal is to listen to, learn from and serve all of this district. Together we will focus on solutions to address inflation, crime, and mental health, along with having the best constituent services for upstate New York,” Molinaro stated.
Riley, the Democrat who lost the race, also put forth a message of working together.
“Growing up here, I learned some important values: work hard; be humble; have each other’s backs; there’s more that unites us than divides us,” Riley said in a statement he released.
“This is not the result we had hoped for, and I’ll be honest: I’m disappointed. But I’m not discouraged. In fact, quite the opposite: this campaign has inspired me. It has been the privilege of my career to build this campaign with all of you and take it across upstate New York, meeting with so many people who have given me hope,” he continued.
It’s just as important to win the hearts and minds of the people who live in our country with the message of liberty as it is to win elections. In fact, that might be more important. Politics flows downstream from culture. If we can get people to see and understand the message of freedom, then we have more folks who will want to vote and get engaged, maybe even run for office.
Let’s hope this becomes a bigger focus for the GOP in the future.
This story syndicated with permission from My Patriot Post