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Wild: Doocy Tries 6 TIMES to Get KJP to Answer Question about Student Debt Forgiveness as She Rambles about It Being “Fully Paid For”

KJP really got to put her incompetence on display during the recent part of the press briefing about Brandon’s student debt forgiveness plan, with Peter Doocy attempting to press her over the details of the Biden student debt forgiveness plan and her just muttering empty generalities in response, forcing him to ask six times in an attempt to get an answer.

All that Doocy wanted to know was the answer to a very simple question: who is paying for it? Debt doesn’t just magically vanish because blue-hairs dislike it, so who’s handling the expense of the plan.

KJP both had no idea and had no intention of giving him a reasonable answer, as became more than apparent after Doocy after his first attempt at the question, saying:

When you forgive debt, you’re not just disappearing debt, so who is paying for this?

KJP did her usual non-answer, responding by saying that Team Biden was doing it “in a smart way,” whatever that means. In her words:

When you think about the $4 billion that’s going to go back into, as revenue, back into this process as folks paying their college tuition, that matters as well… we’re doing this in a smart way. We’re doing this in a way that’s going to be effective.”

But that’s not what Doocy asked. He wanted to know who is paying for the forgiveness. So that’s what he pressed her on, asking: “But somebody’s paying for it. Who?”

It was then that things got utterly absurd, with KJP refusing to give an answer and Doocy having to ask his very simply question six times in an attempt to get an answer, which KJP refused to give despite his repeated question and note that debt doesn’t just simply disappear, but that someone has to pay for it.

She did, however, claim that the plan is “fully paid for” (though by whom she either didn’t know or didn’t want to say, as that was left out), saying:

“But we do believe it will be fully paid for because of the work that this president has done with the economy, because of what you just said — well, what I just said, is what we have done to bring down the deficit, the deficit reduction. That matters in the work we will continue to do. When you look at IRA, it is also that $300 billion deficit is going to matter when you think about that $1.7 trillion by the end of this fiscal year, is going to matter as well. 

“And also, here’s the thing. When we talk about the pause being lifted, that’s going to bring into — bringing $50 billion per year back into the Treasury, right? That was actually not happening throughout — almost for two years now. So that’s going to be coming back at the same time that basically of people are getting the — are getting these benefits.”

So “the economy” will pay for it, whatever that means. Thanks Karine, very cool!

By: Gen Z Conservative, editor of Follow me on Facebook and Subscribe to My Email List

This story syndicated with permission from Will, Author at Trending Politics