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“Going To S***”: NFL’s Aaron Rodgers SKEWERS California, Gavin Newsom In Epic Interview [VIDEO]

Aside from being a perennial MVP candidate in the NFL, Aaron Rodgers has evolved into one of the most on-point political commentators in the entire sport. Whereas idiot losers like Colin Kaepernick emote their way into woke renown, Rodgers offers reasonable takes on hot-button topics.

Reasonable, with some fiery language. And hilarious, Trumpian “Make Green Bay Great Again” shirts.

Coming off a hot Joe Rogan appearance in which the entire interview was summed up by the host declaring to “vote Republican” to end this madness, Rodgers next showed up on Bill Maher’s weekend podcast and kept the arrows slinging.

The Daily Mail writes:

Speaking to Bill Maher on his Club Random podcast, out Sunday, Rodgers called out the state’s tough COVID-19 rules saying: ‘State’s going to s*** but I’m hanging on.’

Stay-at-home orders forced the closure of bars and restaurants and thousands of other businesses from hair salons to spas. 

‘I grew up in a small town, very little cases up in Chico, California, but all the small businesses? F***ing gone,’ Rodgers lamented.

Business capacity limits and other restrictions were in place from March 2020 until June 2021.

The decisions crippled businesses across California with 40,000 estimated to have collapsed – the highest figure in any state across the nation.

It doesn’t get much more blunt than this. Of course, it doesn’t get much more accurate either. How else should California be described than a third-world cesspool? The deep-blue state has descended into chaos,

And Rodgers didn’t stop with the past Covid insanities. Despite being two-and-a-half years removed from the initial two-weeks-to-flatten-the-curve madness, California still sees fit to legislate thoughts and remove medical decisions from the hands of providers.

How many people even know about the state’s immoral and insane AB 2098? Thankfully, Rodgers took it to task. The Daily Mail continued:

Rodgers also spoke of his disapproval of AB 2098, a new bill heading to the desk of Governor Newsom that could see doctors disciplined for promoting COVID-19 misinformation. 

The law is controversial because the definitions of ‘misinformation’ and ‘disinformation’ are so broad. 

Tempering his apparent level-headedness with these issues was a disappointing take on Roe. Somehow, despite being a proponent of bodily autonomy, Rodgers apparently thinks the Supreme Court’s decision was too political and prefers the federal bureaucracy to decide certain matters. It’s easy to have that opinion when you survived the feminist gauntlet baby.

Rodgers will likely do down as one of the greatest quarterbacks of all-time, which is saying something considering he filled the shows of another great, Brett Favre. That was no small feat. It’s a shame politics have trickled into sports, but since they have, we might as well have a few voices of sanity speak a few truths from time to time to counterbalance the woke narratives.

Hailey Sanibel fiercely loves freedom. She equally detests evil and stupidity, both of which are out of control in the modern world. She is a regular contributor at The Blue State Conservative.

Featured image: All-Pro Reels, CC BY-SA 2.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons

This story syndicated with permission from The Blue State Conservative

This story syndicated with permission from Gen Z Conservative