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Greasy Gavin Newsom Ignoring Climate, Allowing Winter Blend Gas Early

California governor and climate warrior Gavin Newsom is a shining beacon, leading us into a brave new future of clean energy and a happier planet. Just kidding! He is a failure and a fraud and has turned California into a post-apocalyptic wasteland where the homeless wander the streets like zombies, the major cities aren’t safe, and regular people can barely afford to live! Nice job Gavin!

Despite his hardline stance on climate issues, Newsom recently made a curious decision, that by his own standards aren’t good for our broken environment. Say it isn’t so Gavin! You are our only hope!

California Gov. Gavin Newsom allowed local refineries to produce their “winter blend” of gasoline a month early in a bid to reduce gas prices, which have soared back to near-record levels even as prices in the rest of the country have slowly fallen from their peak.

So, let me try to get this straight. California has such strict environmental measures that gasoline is ALWAYS more expensive there than anywhere else in the country. Now, with gas prices near a record high, Newsom has decided to allow refineries to start producing the so called “winter blend”, which as luck would have it is more of a pollutant than the summer blend.

No, Gavin. The planet! Don’t you care anymore?

(The move) is an admission that the state’s environmental regulations are partially to blame for the fact that California has higher prices than the rest of the country — more than $2.50 higher, as of today.

The Associated Press notes that Newsom has also been forced to compromise his own climate change goals by allowing refineries to produce the winter blend ahead of the usual November date.

By urging air regulators to let oil companies switch to a winter blend earlier, Newsom is acknowledging that state rules play a role in prices, said Kara Greene, a spokeswoman for the Western States Petroleum Association.

Of course California’s strict regulations are responsible for much higher prices. It’s no coincidence that the state with the tightest regulations would have the most expensive gas. Newsom and his cronies want to push electric vehicles, even if the nation doesn’t want them, by keeping fuel prices high. They are so high now however, that Newsom has to compromise his position to maintain political popularity.

Newsom for his part continues to blame the greedy oil companies for the increased prices and has threatened windfall profit taxes for oil companies for their evil greed. Except the oil companies aren’t really to blame.

In calling for a windfall tax, Newsom claimed that the oil companies are “ripping you off,” citing the high profits they are earning

However, the Wall Street Journal reports, the profits are an outcome of California’s climate change policies and environmental regulations.

The governor also sent a strongly-worded letter to oil companies demanding an explanation for recent price spikes. Analysts say the rise in prices is due to the fact that some refineries are offline for maintenance, and that the state cannot easily replace the lost supply.

Newsom is blaming everyone but himself for the increased cost of gas and fuel. Instead of taking responsibility for state policy driving up prices via over regulation, it’s easier for greasy Gavin to just blame the evil corporations. Newson’s willingness to allow winter gas to be produced when it flies in the face of his alleged concern about the climate betrays who is really responsible for consumers being pinched at the pump. It’s not the oil companies, its California.

This story syndicated with permission from robm, Author at Trending Politics