Leftists can wave their rainbow flags, sport a Marxist BLM fist, or do whatever other anti-Western tradition things they want, in public, with seeming impunity. Heck, if the 2020 summer of discontent is any guide, they can even riot and loot without so much as a second glance from corporate America so long as CNN labels the riot “mostly peaceful” rather than an “insurrection.”
But, if, for example, a pilot decides to put a “Let’s Go Brandon” sticker on his bag, well, then every leftist with enough brain cells to log onto Twitter loses xis mind.
That happened on Saturday, when Twitter user “Dana Finley Morrison” saw that an American Airlines pilot had a “Let’s Go Brandon” sticker on his luggage and, rather than behaving like a normal, sane person, decided to freak out about it on Twitter.
Morrison, a crazy person who self-identifies as a ‘feminist’ that’s “doing the right thing,” actually went a step further than just ranting on Twitter; she actually tweeted at American Airlines’ official Twitter account and said:
“hey @AmericanAir – y’all cool with your pilots displaying this kind of cowardly rhetoric on their crew luggage when they’re in uniform, about to fly a plane? we are not the only passengers who noticed and were disgusted. today in UVF about to board to Miami.”
The tweet also included two images, one was of the pilot with his luggage and the other was a zoomed-in photo of the “Let’s Go Brandon” sticker.
Then, rather than ignore the dumb tweet or say that its pilots were free to have whatever stickers they wanted, as would have been reasonable when a pilot is spotted with a sticker echoing a phrase heard all day every day around America, American Airlines decided to go along with the crazy person.
It, responding to Morrison’s ridiculous tweet, said “Thank you for bringing this to our attention and we want to get this to the right team. Please DM any additional details.”
That reply indicates that American Airlines will investigate the pilot for…putting a sticker on his baggage. What a crime against humanity.
To be fair, American does have a policy about what can be worn by its employees. According to ZeroHedge, “The airline has a policy that only preapproved badges or pins can be worn by its workers. They can wear a military veterans pin, a gay pride pin, and one for Christian workers. The airline recently approved an official Black Lives Matter pin called “Stand for Change” and “celebrates the diversity of our team members and our customers.“‘
But, though it technically has a policy, it’s ridiculous that it allows some leftist political messages (BLM and LGBTQ) to be spread by its employees, but would then turn around and indicate it will investigate a pilot for a sticker making a joke about Brandon.
Fortunately, not everyone in America is so dumb as American Airlines and some even understand the idea of free speech. Ron DeSantis’ press secretary, Christina Pushaw, took to Twitter to skewer the airline, saying “This pilot deserves a raise for dealing with entitled Karens while doing his job.” Another said “[Let’s go, Brandon] is free speech. We don’t live in North Korea. So stop with the cancel culture.”
Others even threatened to boycott the airline if it went after the pilot. One Twitter user, for example, said “I’m an Executive Platinum, have been for nearly 7 years, flying nearly 150k miles a year pre-covid. You will lose a loyal customer if you punish this pilot for exercising his 1st amendment.”
So, despite “Karen’s” best attempt, perhaps the public outrage over its mere reply will stop American from persecuting a pilot that doesn’t like Brandon.
By: Gen Z Conservative, editor of GenZConservative.com. Follow me on Parler and Gettr.
This story syndicated with permission from Will – Trending Politics