What does the UN do? It takes billions upon billions of dollars from the US and other Western countries and then spends them in whatever way would either be a) the most ineffective by any available metric or b) best embarrasses, humiliates, or otherwise frustrates the policy objectives of those Western powers.
It takes our money and then complains about our gun laws. It puts Syria on the Human Rights Council and then savages Israel for being mean to the Palestinians, ignoring that Assad tortures tens of thousands of people and has used chemical weapons on rebels.
Oh, and now the UN is handing millions of dollars to the Taliban. $20 million a week, to be exact, along with a $32 million lump sum. America and its NATO allies spent twenty years bleeding and dying in that arid hellhole and now the UN is funding, with our own money, those that killed us. It’s infuriating and humiliating.
But that’s not all the UN is up to in Afghanistan. No, now the very head of the United Nations, Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, is calling for an end to sanctions on the Taliban.
Speaking to the Security Council, Guterres said “At this moment, we need the global community – and this Council – to put their hands on the wheel of progress, provide resources, and prevent Afghanistan from spiraling any further.”
He also said, “We need to give financial institutions and commercial partners legal assurance that they can work with humanitarian operators without fear of breaching sanctions.” Ah, so now that we’ve been bloodied and humiliated by the Taliban, we need to help our banks and the banks of our enemies ship them cash.
Why must we do so? Because Guterres is worried about the country “spiraling” further down the drain. In his words, “At this moment, we need the global community – and this Council – to put their hands on the wheel of progress, provide resources, and prevent Afghanistan from spiraling any further.” Perhaps he can remember that Islamist government means “spiraling” next time he and his UN cronies attack Israel and prop up the legitimacy of the Palestinian terrorists.
But he didn’t end there. His whining, winding speech went on, with him then turning aiding a gang of terrorists into a “moral responsibility,” saying “As a matter of moral responsibility – and regional and global security and prosperity – we cannot abandon the people of Afghanistan. Afghans need peace, hope, and help, and they need it now.”
Oh, and though he made a tepid promise that the UN would do its best to not let too much money leak into the hands of the Taliban, he also said that, when it comes to a relationship with the Taliban terrorists, “The window for trust-building is open. But this trust must be earned.” Perhaps if they don’t behead too many women they can end up in his good graces.
The Taliban seemed excited about their prospects after Guterres’s speech, saying “From these meetings we are sure of getting support for Afghanistan’s humanitarian, health and education sectors.”
It might have been time for America to leave Afghanistan. But that doesn’t mean we now have to fund those that tried to kill us for so many years. If Afghanistan wanted Western dollars, it should have withstood the Taliban’s advance.
By: Gen Z Conservative, editor of GenZConservative.com. Follow me on Parler and Gettr.
This story syndicated with permission from Will – Trending Politics