If there was a phrase that defined 2021, especially the second half of it, what would that phrase be? Probably either “F*** Joe Biden,” the original chant, or “Let’s Go Brandon,” the later deviation that managed to attack the president and media in a mere three words.
So, seeing it during the Superbowl was a pleasant surprise; somehow, Pennsylvania Senate candidate Dave McCormick, a Republican, was able to sneak it past the MSM censors and into an awesome commercial that ran during the Superbowl.
Effective for his campaign or not, it reminded all of America just how terrible Brandon is.
Well, not all of America. Just the local, Pennsylvania ad market.
But still, the ad is epic and hits Biden for all of his many failures, from inflation to Afghanistan, open borders to sky-high gasoline costs, Biden has been a failure.
McCormick’s ad, just 30 seconds long, full of lines about the disasters Brandon has inflicted on us as crowds chant “let’s go Brandon” in the background, reminds everyone who sees it or saw it during the game, of that. Biden’s failures, when splashed across the TV screen, are inescapable.
Speaking to Fox on the issue of Biden and all he’s done over the past year to put America in dire straights, McCormick, a veteran, had this to say:
“The issues we are facing are so much bigger than ‘Brandon.’ The frustration and anger we are feeling toward the failures of our current leadership in Washington is what motivated me to run.
Whether it’s not being able to afford gas or groceries because of record-high inflation, rampant crime in our cities, a dramatic spike in the trafficking of fentanyl and human exploitation across open borders, or the disgraceful lack of accountability for the death of 13 young service members in Afghanistan – these problems were self-inflicted by Joe Biden and the extreme policies of the left. Pennsylvanians have had enough.”
Then, after noting that he’s a veteran who has fought for this country, McCormick ended on a hopeful note, saying “I believe in its greatness. Together we can turn things around by restoring common sense and strong leadership.”
Still, good as his ad and interview might have been, the race will be a challenge for McCormick.
As the Daily Mail notes:McCormick, 56, is one of dozens of candidates running to replace retiring Republican Sen. Pat Toomey in Pennsylvania.
He was the CEO of Bridgewater Associates, the largest hedge fund in the world with assets worth at least $150 billion, from 2020 until January of this year.
Republicans, especially in the Rust Belt, are unlikely to trust a former financier that ran a huge hedge fund, as it’s just that sort of person that destroyed the American manufacturing sector in the name of slightly larger profit margins.
Perhaps McCormick, a veteran, can escape the mark of Cain that comes with being a financier. The ad will probably help. But, still, Pennsylvanians might be looking for someone else.
By: Gen Z Conservative, editor of GenZConservative.com. Follow me on Parler and Gettr.
This story syndicated with permission from Gen Z Conservative