The far-left of the political spectrum appears to have overplayed their collective hand again.
In addition to freaking out most of America by their participation and funding of Antifa and Black Lives Matter, their hard push to advance those with Gender Dysphoria, given the letter T, is emboldening the GOP to just say no to it.
The transgender push to transform children and to end single-sex sports — such as swimming leagues for Ivy League women — are driving the public debate against the transgender demands.
In June 2021, the LGBTQ has a brief endorsement from GOP as the Chairwoman almost opened pandora’s box with the following tweet.
McDaniel posted a pro-transgender promise:
Happy #PrideMonth!@GOP is proud to have doubled our LGBTQ support over the last 4 years, and we will continue to grow our big tent by supporting measures that promote fairness and balance protections for LGBTQ Americans and those with deeply held religious beliefs.
— Ronna McDaniel (@GOPChairwoman) June 2, 2021
Well, Republican Senators are saying they will protect Americans from the transgender ideology in 2023, according to a 2022 campaign platform from the senator who is helping to elect GOP candidates to the Senate this November.
“Facts are facts, the earth is round, the sun is hot, there are two genders … To say otherwise is to deny science,” said the campaign document released February 22 by Sen. Rick Scott (R-FL), who is the 2022 chairman of the National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC).
In exchange for Americans’ votes, the document promises to protect the government’s recognition of the two different-and-complementary sexes:
Humans are born male and female, there are two genders, and to deny that is to deny science.
No government forms will include questions about “gender identity” or “sexual preference.”
No doctor will be allowed to perform irreversible surgical or gender-altering procedures on any minor child. Once they become adults, they can do what they wish.
We will protect women’s sports by banning biological males from competing. It is hugely unfair and would erase many of the gains women have made in athletics over the last 50 years.
Scott’s transgender policy — and the broader campaign platform — is getting applause.
“This is exactly the type of platform GOP candidates should be running on this year,” responded Terry Schilling, the president of the pro-family American Principles Project. He continued:
All of the most important — and electorally advantageous — issues are here, from opposing critical race theory in schools and defending women’s sports to reining in Big Tech and protecting children from sexualization. If the Republican Party is serious about becoming the party of families, these are precisely the issues that must be a top priority.
Establishment operatives at the RNC and elsewhere should take note: this is how the GOP will win elections, not by surrendering the culture war but by fighting back. Sen. Scott deserves major kudos for releasing such a bold plan, and Republican candidates everywhere would be smart to follow his lead.
Scott’s platform will likely encourage the fence-walking GOP senators towards opposition to the transgender ideology. This is important because many GOP politicians have been reluctant to stand in the gap and say, enough is enough, for our culture and children’s sake.
Republican National Committee (RNC) chairwoman Ronna McDaniel endorsed Scott’s campaign platform, but notably ignored the transgender aspect:
Joe Biden and Democrats have made life more expensive and less safe for families across America. Republicans like Senator Rick Scott have real solutions to put us back on track. From lowering costs and creating jobs, to supporting police and securing the border, Republicans are offering a clear plan to protect and reinvigorate the America we know and love.
Scott’s plan follows a recent statement by former President Donald Trump. “We will ban men from participating in women’s sports,” he promised on January 29 during a Texas speech that mimicked a campaign rally.
Thank you, Senator Scott, you are serving the citizens of Florida very well.
If America loses even the most basic truth of two genders, Male (XY) and Female (XX), then Pandora’s box will be broken wide open, and insanity will have taken over the streets of the U.S.A.
This story syndicated with permission from Eric Thompson, Author at Trending Politics