Louisiana Senator Ted Kennedy, in a brilliant takedown of President Joe Biden when he appeared on FNC’s “Fox and Friends.”
Speaking on the topic of the nuclear deal with Iran, Senator Kennedy said that there’s the appearance of a conflict of interest if Biden pushes the nuclear deal through, a conflict the Senator described as “open, obvious and notorious.”
After saying so, Brian Kilmeade, one of the cohosts of the program, asked, in reference to the comment, “What is it?”
It was then that Senator Kennedy opened up on Biden, saying:
“The president refuses to stand up to the wokers. The wokers who have taken over his party, their energy policy is wind, solar and pixie dust — no oil and gas.
President Biden refuses to refute them, so any deal he makes with Iran, there’s going to be an appearance of a conflict because the world is going to figure, ‘Well, he made a deal to get the Iranian oil because he refuses to produce his own.’
The president needs to step aside and turn the negotiations over to a bipartisan group in Congress.”
Watch him here:
And that’s not all that Senator Kennedy has had to say about the Iran deal recently. He also signed onto a letter with 48 other Senate Republicans, a letter that ripped Biden’s nuclear deal plans.
First, in the letter, the Senators set up their argument in a clever way, framing them as giving away something major for only temporary relief. In their words:
“According to press reports, the Biden Administration may soon conclude an agreement with Iran to provide substantial sanctions relief in exchange for merely short-term limitations on Iran’s nuclear program.”
Then, continuing on that path of criticism while also highlighting the failures of the deal itself, said:
“By every indication, the Biden Administration appears to have given away the store. The administration appears to have agreed to lift sanctions that were not even placed on Iran for its nuclear activities in the first place, but instead because of its ongoing support for terrorism and its gross abuses of human rights. The nuclear limitations in this new deal appear to be significantly less restrictive than the 2015 nuclear deal, which was itself too weak, and will sharply undermine U.S. leverage to secure an actually ‘longer and stronger’ deal. What is more, the deal appears likely to deepen Iran’s financial and security relationship with Moscow and Beijing, including through arms sales.”
Next they highlighted the unconstitutional nature of what Biden is trying to do with this bill, namely how he is trying to sneak it past the Senate by…never even sending it to the Senate, which he is required to do. In their words:
“The administration has thus far refused to commit to submit a new Iran deal to the Senate for ratification as a treaty, as per its constitutional obligation, or for review under statutory requirements that passed on a bipartisan basis in response to the 2015 deal. Additionally, despite earlier promises to the contrary, the administration has failed to adequately consult with Congress.”
Finally, the senators made their position on the Iran deal crystal clear, saying:
“Republicans have made it clear: We would be willing and eager to support an Iran policy that completely blocks Iran’s path to a nuclear weapons capability, constrains Iran’s ballistic missile program, and confronts Iran’s support for terrorism. But if the administration agrees to a deal that fails to achieve these objectives or makes achieving them more difficult, Republicans will do everything in our power to reverse it. Unless Iran ceases its support for terrorism, we will oppose removing and seek to reimpose any terrorism-related sanctions. And we will force the Senate to vote on any Administration effort to do so.
“We strongly urge the administration, our Democrat colleagues, and the international community to learn the lessons of the very recent past. A major agreement that does not have strong bipartisan support in Congress will not survive.”
Good for Kennedy and all those that signed onto the letter. They’re right; the US shouldn’t make a weak-kneed deal with Iran and Biden’s insistence on doing so sure does make it look like there’s a conflict of some sort or another.
By: Gen Z Conservative, editor of GenZConservative.com. Follow me on Parler and Gettr.
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