What is the MAGA movement? A populist force meant to protect the average American from the ravages of globalization and stand up to the predatory elite for them? A generally conservative movement with a few populist impulses? A cry of rage from those who have been dispossessed and seen their lives ruined thanks to financiers sending factories to China and open border policies letting drugs and cheap labor flow into the US?
In reality, it’s perhaps some combination of all of those, though that’s now what an MSNBC contributor, political professor Jason Johnson, has to say. He, appearing on “The Beat,” bizarrely claimed that the MAGA movement is actually a terrorist organization.
Speaking on that, he first claimed that the GOP doesn’t believe in democracy and only wants to keep power “in the hands of straight white men”, saying:
“I used to always say, Ari, with any sort of political conflict — I was saying this during Ferguson — the country can’t heal if we can’t agree on the diagnosis of what got us sick. At the end of the day, you have a certain segment of the population that has told the Republican Party we do not believe in a multicultural democracy.
“So anything that you have to do to make sure the country stays in the hands of straight white men is okay. That’s the danger. That’s what Vice President Harris talked about when she talked about the rise of the right and white supremacy.”
For one, America is a republic, not a democracy. Beyond that, perhaps Mr. “Democracy” should look at how his own party behaves any time someone to the right of Mitt Romney starts doing well in the polls. Then “fascism” is on the rise because a real Republican might win an election. It’s not “democracy” if only one side is allowed to win and the other side is “fascist.”
In any case, Mr. Johnson decided to display his ignorance yet further, going on to claim that the MAGA movement is a terrorist organization, saying:
“That is why I have said I don’t think we have two parties in this country anymore. One is a semi-governing party called the Democrats, and the other is a dime storefront for a terrorist organization called MAGA.
“That is the real problem here. It is no longer about lies and disinformation. It’s about our sitting government controlling dangerous people who do not believe in democracy anymore. This election— while it’s a cliche to say every election is the most important —if these secretaries of state get into office, there’s no way they’ll let any Democrat win the electoral vote in 2024.”
Ah, so now conservatives are terrorists because…a few FBI agents wandered around the Capitol on January 6th. Perhaps Mr. Johnson should take a look at the summer of burning conducted by BLM and Antifa, a string of riots that set America’s cities ablaze and made them look like the Anglo-Saxon kingdoms when the Vikings showed up. If there are any “terrorists”, they’re in Antifa and BLM, not MAGA.
By: Gen Z Conservative, editor of GenZConservative.com. Follow me on Parler and Gettr.
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