A man from the Lonestar state, Texas is working hard to deliver smiles, meals, and more to his local community in League City. Since November, 2021 Timothy Glover has been door dashing locally, having over 1,000 deliveries. With a full-time job he figured that he would Door Dash to pay for a family vacation. While he strived to be a Top Tier Dasher, he began to notice the reviews online, and how other Door Dashers would Dash.
“I saw how other Dashers would dash and how bad Door Dash’s reviews were, and I decided that I wanted to be different, that I wanted to be Dash Gordon. On one of my deliveries, I received a crazy tip from the customer because I made his day by mentioning Dash Gordon—which reminded him of the old Flash Gordon movie.” Gordon said, “ Eventually, I said to myself, “You know what? I’m going to get myself a suit.” And I did, and now I’m the Flash. I know it’s quirky and weird, and it catches people off guard, but now people kind of expect it.”
Now, dressed up as The Flash, the reaction has been overwhelming, which can be seen with a check of Glover’s social media accounts.
His Facebook page is overflowing with photographs and recordings of Dash Gordon sightings. Residents he serves in and around the League City have begun noticing him on social media, as well. The City of League City even created a video introducing Dash Gordon doing what he excels at – Showing up, bringing meals, and smiles in a “flash”.
After only a few shifts, he realized he could take the job to an unheard level. Now, he said it’s his community that has kept him going these last couple of months. “This is really kind of catchy,” Glover recalled, “but I said, you know what, though — let’s forget about the tips. Let’s forget about the additional funds that Dash Gordon can make. What can Dash Gordon do for his community?”
Glover explained, “The first person who reached out was a young single mother and she said, ‘Look, I need some help … I’m embarrassed. I’m struggling but need some help and I’ve got a 1-year-old.’” Glover said, “I got donations from my local neighborhood and I went and I delivered her diapers and wipes and some additional funds to get her through the weekend, and then I also did it for another young lady as well” Glover continued, “I have plans on visiting the children’s hospitals and things like that, and just putting smiles on people’s faces,” Glover said. “We live in a crazy time.”
Glover has expanded on where he’s able to deliver. The places you’re likely to see Flash Gordon include Webster, Seabrook, Kemah, and of course League City. He has no catch phrase at this time, but often makes up for it by carrying a lot of blow pops and candy to hand out to the children during his evening dashes.
Even with his full time job, he’s able to squeeze in about 8 to 12 dashes per day between the hours of 6 p.m. and 10 p.m. The responses from the customers are nothing but good too. “Most of them just smile. You should see the people’s reactions in restaurants when I walk in. Places that I’m a regular at, the workers greet me with a “Hey Dash, what’s up?”” Gordon said, “People are like, “What?” and they’re like, “Yeah, that’s Dash Gordon.”
One thing’s for sure, with a city named “League City”, it’s nice to see The Flash deliver your Dash.
This story syndicated with permission from My Faith News