What’s the woke left up to now? Fantasizing, in the wake of Justice Alito’s leaked abortion opinion, which would overturn Roe v. Wade and leave the abortion issue open to the states to deal with, about white girls being raped by thugs.
Yes, really. Apparently, to the tolerant left, states’ rights on the issue of infanticide means that thugs should go around raping people in some sick, American version of what happened in Rhodesia and South Africa following their fall to the communists, only with the love of abortion rather than hatred of settlers being the reason for the violence and sexual assault.
That call for sexual assault of helpless children came from woke actress and writer Amanda Duarte, who tweeted out on Monday night, the night that the Alito opinion was leaked, that she hopes “little white daughters” are raped “by black men,” a clear call for racial violence and a genocide-like war on an ethnic group.
As a reminder, “genocidal rape” is defined as “the action of a group which has carried out acts of mass rape and gang rapes, against its enemy during wartime as part of a genocidal campaign.” That’s about what Duarte called for in her tweet.
Specifically, Duarte said:
“I do wonder how these white supremacist lawmakers would feel if their little white daughters were raped and impregnated by black men.”
That’s because you’re a racist. #AmandaDuarte pic.twitter.com/bW8D0dgXl4
— Belmont1983 (@Belmont_1983) May 3, 2022
Never mind that it was the conservative justices on the Supreme Court, one of whom is black, that voted to get rid of the Roe ruling, she’s too vapid to know or pay attention to such things.
Regardless, she deleted the tweet after being savaged for it, later apologizing for her vicious call for racial warfare in a tweet thread in which she said:
“I tweeted something extremely stupid and racist last night. I deeply apologize and will not try to defend or explain it. Again, sincere apologies to anyone who was hurt by it.”
She later deleted the tweets, including the apology, and her account following the substantial backlash that resulted from her call for sexual war on whites, with people of all ethnicities and political views viewing her call as sickening and abhorrent and her apology as fake and/or nowhere near good enough.
Yet worse, this isn’t even the first time she’s expressed hatred for whites, as the libs of TikTok Twitter account pointed out:
After briefly rejoining Twitter today, this racist psychopath just deleted her account again. pic.twitter.com/RirsUwaSkv
— Libs of TikTok (@libsoftiktok) May 4, 2022
In addition to the call for the rape and forced impregnation of white girls, a call for pedophilic, race-based rape, which was probably her worst tweet, she’s also said “Please stop having white children“, “perhaps the hardest truth of all is to accept must be that no one wants to fuck your disgusting little white kids“, and “Friends, THE ENTIRE ANTI-ABORTION MOVEMENT IS ABOUT WHITE SUPREMACY. More white women have abortions than any other group and they need those babies to grow up and be trained to be racist voters or they’re gone.”
Fortunately, that sick, evil actress is no longer on Twitter, though one wonders what repercussions she’ll face as compared to what a right-leaning popular figure would face were he or she to say the same thing about a minority group.
By: Gen Z Conservative, editor of GenZConservative.com. Follow me on Parler and Gettr.
This story syndicated with permission from Will, Author at Trending Politics